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consequents Meaning in Tamil ( consequents வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விளைவாகப் பின்தொடரும் நிகழ்ச்சி, பலனாக ஏற்படுகிற,

consequents's Usage Examples:

Necessary principles, discovered by this process of induction and identification, become premises of deductive demonstration to conclusions which are not only necessary consequents on the premises, but also equally necessary in reality.

"The formal thinking of syllogism alone is merely necessary consequence; but when its premises are necessary principles, its conclusions are not only necessary consequents but also necessary truths.

Further, we are not only under a government in which actions considered simply as such are rewarded and punished, but it is known from experience that virtue and vice are followed by their natural consequents - happiness and misery.

The uniformity of nature lies in this, that the same antecedents are always followed by the same consequents.

The formal thinking of syllogism alone is merely necessary consequence; but when its premises are necessary principles, its conclusions are not only necessary consequents but also necessary truths.

Or, on rather a different line of criticism, the use of corresponding letters in the two series of antecedents and consequents raises, it is said, a false presumption of correlation.

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