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consecutive Meaning in Tamil ( consecutive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



consecutive தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


consecutive's Usage Examples:

All those chosen by election are ineligible for a second consecutive term except the secretary of internal affairs.

If a grating is placed as object before the microscope objective, Abbe showed that in the image there is intermittent clear and dark banding only, if at least two consecutive diffraction spectra enter into the objective and contribute towards the image.

At length the consecutive efforts of the navigators employed by Prince Henry of Portugal - Gil Eannes, Diniz Diaz, Nuno Tristam, Alvaro Fernandez, Cadamosto, Usodimare and Diego Gomez - made known the coast as far as the Gambia, and by the end of the 15th century the whole region was familiar to Europeans.

The most important of all, the 19th Yasht, gives a consecutive account of the Iranian heroic saga in great broad lines, together with a prophetic presentment of the end of this world.

The introduction of additional diacritical marks, such as - and used to express quantity, and the diaeresis, as in ai, to express consecutive vowels, which are to be pronounced separately, may prove of service, as also such letters as a, o and ii, to be pronounced as in German, and in lieu of the French ai, eu or u.

Use one request slip per item as even consecutive reference numbers may not be stored consecutively on our shelves.

Divorces are granted for adultery, desertion for three years) habitual drunkenness, impotence at the time of marriage, fraud, lack of marriageable age (eighteen for males, sixteen for females), and failure of husband to provide for his wife during three consecutive years.

The anomalistic revolution of a planet or other heavenly body is the revolution between two consecutive passages through the pericentre.

This portfolio he retained consecutively in the Freycinet, the Loubet and the Ribot cabinets, 1890-93.

This is our twenty-eighth consecutive day of rain! The ground is soggy and roads are flooded everywhere.


straight, uninterrupted, continuous,


antecedent, synchronous, disarranged, discontinuous,

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