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connive Meaning in Tamil ( connive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடந்தையாயிரு, வேண்டுமெனக் கவனியாதிரு,

connive's Usage Examples:

163) maintains that "he was himself not a Pietist," as he did not advocate the quietistic, legalistic and semi-separatist practices of Pietism, though they were more or less involved in the positions he assumed or the practices which he encouraged or connived at.

Or did he connive with his wife's adultery to further his own career?connive are two conniving servants who help the plot and the intrigue along.

This piece was played after the fall of the Terror, but the fratricide of Timoleon became the text for insinuations to the effect that by his silence Joseph de Chenier had connived at the judicial murder of Andre, whom Joseph's enemies alluded to as Abel.

In their direction they are erect or reflexed (with their apices downwards), spreading outwards (divergent or patulous), or arched inwards (connivent).

The practice of pulling down the ancient monuments to be used as building material, which was connived at by venal officials, was strictly prohibited.

The passages of the New Testament which seem to connive at the married relation were interpreted by the Cathars as spoken in regard of Christ and the church.

Roman Catholicism was tolerated, or rather connived at; but its professors were subject to frequent alarms, and to great severities during the ascendancy of Titus Oates.

In other cases Elizabeth connived at what she could not prevent, and hardly pretended to enforce uniformity except in the Pale and in the large towns.

The state, represented by the emperor Phocas, is persuaded to connive at the pope's assumption of spiritual authority; the other churches are intimidated into acquiescence; Lucifer's projects seem fully accomplished, when Heaven raises up Henry VIII.

We should not connive at the destruction of imaginations, not even to alleviate boredom.

Porcius Cato to annex the island, nominally because its king had connived at piracy, really because its revenues and the treasures of Paphos were coveted to finance a corn law of P.


plot, intrigue, scheme,


disagreement, leave office, precede, truth,

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