<< conjecturally conjectured >>

conjecture Meaning in Tamil ( conjecture வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முன்னறி கூற்று

conjecture's Usage Examples:

Daventry >>The only place of this name we know is Daventry, but it seems more probable that Patrick's home is to be sought near the Severn, and Rhys conjectures that one of the three places called Banwen in Glamorganshire may be intended.

Busolt, who suggests that Tyrtaeus was a native of Aphidnae in Laconia, conjectures that the entire legend may have been concocted in connexion with the expedition sent to the assistance of Sparta in her struggle with the revolted Helots at Ithome (464).

Animated by that address Anna Pavlovna's guests talked for a long time of the state of the fatherland and offered various conjectures as to the result of the battle to be fought in a few days.

The supposed hydrothecae may be present on one side of the axis only (monoprionid) or on both sides (diprionid); the first case may be conjectured to be the result of uniserial (helicoid) budding, the second to be produced by biserial (scorpioid) budding.

The extent to which he was influenced by the Magi and the Eastern astrologists is a matter of pure conjecture.

As this business was to be entered into without the usual capital, it may not be easy to conjecture where those means, that will still be indispensable to every such undertaking, were to be obtained.

From remains found in the bed of the river near Kew bridge it has been conjectured that the village marks the site of an old British settlement.

This agrees with one feature in ordinary literary usage - the contrast between " dogmatizing " and suspending judgment, or taking refuge in conjecture.

This energy, therefore, comes under a different category from the energy for which the law of equipartition was proved, for in proving this law conservation of ' Very significant confirmation of this conjecture is obtained from a study of the specific heats of the elements in the solid state.

How far he was personally responsible for the Anglican Settlement, the Poor Laws, and the foreign policy of the reign, how far he was thwarted by the baleful influence of Leicester and the caprices of the queen, remains to a large extent a matter of conjecture.

Starting from the different dates assigned by tradition to the exile to Patmos and the different chronological relations implied in the book itself, he conjectured that the Apocalypse was composed of several works of St John, written in different places and at different times, some before, some after A.

The scientist is left to whimsically choose among a cornucopia of "bold conjectures," everyone of which is guaranteed to be false.

"The supposed hydrothecae may be present on one side of the axis only (monoprionid) or on both sides (diprionid); the first case may be conjectured to be the result of uniserial (helicoid) budding, the second to be produced by biserial (scorpioid) budding.


develop, suppose, hypothesise, construct, speculate, reconstruct, expect, hypothecate, anticipate, retrace, explicate, theorise, hypothesize, formulate, theorize,


nonexistence, nonbeing, irrational, synthesis, disrespect,

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