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congratulated Meaning in Tamil ( congratulated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நலம் பாராட்டு,

congratulated தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நெற்றியில் திலகம், நெஞ்சில் அல்லிச்சாந்து, தோளில் தொய்யில், காலடியில் பஞ்சிக் குழம்பு, ஆகியவற்றைத் தலைவன் தலைவிக்கு இட்டு நலம் பாராட்டுவான்.

congratulated's Usage Examples:

Both men said, in unison, "Friend?"They clapped in unison and congratulated her.

Germany at the time of the Raid was prepared to intervene, and on the 3rd of January 1896 the German Emperor, by telegram, congratulated Kruger that " without appealing to the help of friendly powers " the Boers had overcome Jameson.

He then sat on the sofa, put his feet up on the overstuffed ottoman and once again congratulated himself on his prowess.

I congratulated them both on a great job and terminated the call.

Related News Stories: Thu 9th Mar 2006: Sir Menzies Campbell wins Lib Dem leadership race!SNP leader Alex Salmond congratulated Sir Menzies on his success, saying he would " undoubtedly add gravitas to the Liberal Democrats " .

He was knighted on the 11th of October 1551, on the eve of Somerset's second fall, and was congratulated on his success in escaping his benefactor's fate.

They clapped in unison and congratulated her.

Corps for disobedience, the king thanked Manteuffel warmly for the part he had played, and then turned to the young brigadier who had disobeyed orders and congratulated him on having twice distinguished himself in the first fortnight of the war.

In great state the tribune moved through the streets of Rome, being received at St Peter's with the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus, while in a letter the poet Petrarch urged him to continue his great and noble work, and congratulated him on his past achievements, calling him the new Camillus, Brutus and Romulus.

To make matters worse, half of Bird Song's guests who passed by congratulated him on the debate, a sure sign they hadn't been there.

I congratulated him on Mack's arrival.

In 1349, at the Landsting of Ringsted, Valdemar proudly rendered an account of his stewardship to the Estates of Zealand, and the bishop of Roskilde congratulated him on having so miraculously delivered his people from foreign thraldom.


compliment, praise,


enjoy, gladden, criticize,

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