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confound Meaning in Tamil ( confound வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


திகைக்கவை, பிரமிக்கவை, குழப்பு,

confound தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

துரதிர்ஷ்டவசமாக, ஒவ்வொரு வினாவிற்கும் அரசர் விடை கண்டுபிடித்துவிடுவதால், கடைசி வினா விக்ரமாதித்யாவை திகைக்கவைக்கும் வரை இருபத்து நான்கு முறை வேதாளத்தைப் பிடிப்பதும் அதனை தப்பியோட விடுவதும் தொடர்கிறது.

இன்று பார்க்கும் இடங்களெல்லாம் வானுயர் கட்டிடங்கள், மாடி மனைகள், அதிவேகப் பாதைகள், திகைக்கவைக்கும் மேம்பாலங்கள் என பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சியிலும், நாகரீக உச்சத்திலும் முன்னிலை வகிக்கும் நாடுகளில் இதுவும் ஒன்றாகும்.

confound's Usage Examples:

In Semitic times Urra was pronounced Uri and confounded with uru, " ciiy "; as a geographical term, however, it was replaced by Akkadu (Akkad), the Semitic form of Agadewritten Akkattim in the Elamite inscriptions - the name of the elder Sargon's capital, which must have stood close to Sippara, if indeed it was not a quarter of Sippara itself.

93) confounds it with Aria, Areia, Pers.

But all such sources are liable to the most confounding errors, and some passages relied on have in any case to submit to conjectural emendation.

On the coast of Loch Nell, or Ardmucknish Bay, is the vitrified fort of Beregonium, not to be confounded with Rerigonium (sometimes miscalled Berigonium) on Loch Ryan in Wigtownshire - a town of the Novantae Picts, identified with Innermessan.

Thus Zeno again confounds a finite distance infinitely divided with an infinite distance.

This spirit might easily be confounded with the sun, whose power was supposed to be stored up in the warmthgiving tree.

Nor is nature to be confounded with created substance, or with matter as it exists in space and time; it is pure non-being, the mere otherness (alteritas) of God - his shadow, desire, want, or desiderium sui, as it is called by mystical writers.

The wings are short and rounded, and in some forms the feathers ' Brisson and after him Linnaeus confounded this bird, which they had never seen, with the Trumpeter.

It is not to be confounded with the apocalypse mentioned two sections later.

Wild oxen of the Sunda race, not to be in any way confounded with the Malayan seladang or gaur, are rare, but the whole country swarms with wild swine, and the babirusa, a pig with curious horn-like tusks, is not uncommon.

"The motive of this and of the succeeding novels of what may be called her second period is free (not to be confounded with promiscuous) love.


disorient, discombobulate, fuddle, perplex, demoralize, be, stick, gravel, stupefy, confuse, throw, nonplus, beat, put off, puzzle, vex, get, bedevil, flurry, pose, fox, befuddle, mystify, disconcert, dumbfound, disorientate, flummox, amaze, bewilder, baffle,


lose, lend, refuse, stand still, orient,

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