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concrescence Meaning in Tamil ( concrescence வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


concrescence's Usage Examples:

We can distinguish (I) digestive endoderm, in the stomach, often with special glandular elements; (2) circu-, latory endoderm, in the radial and ring canals; (3) supporting endoderm in the axes of the tentacles and in the endodermlamella; the latter is primitively a double layer of cells, produced by concrescence OC-- w.

Gynaeceum >>Apart from this, botanists are generally agreed that the concrescence of parts of the flower-whorls - in the gynaeceum as the seed-covering, and in the corolla as the seat of attraction, more than in the androecium and the calyx - is an indication of advance, as is also the concrescence that gives the condition of epigyny.

The sea mussel (Mytilus edulis) belongs to the second order of the class Lamellibranchia, namely the Filibranchia, distinguished by the comparatively free condition of the gillfilaments, which, whilst adhering to one another to form gillplates, are yet not fused to one another by concrescence.

The next event is a great growth in thickness of the gelatinous mesogloea, especially on the exumbral side; as a result the flattened coelenteron is still further compressed so that in certain spots its cavity is obliterated, and its exumbral and subumbral layers of endoderm come into contact and undergo concrescence.

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- Vertical Section through there is least modification by concrescence of the primary an Anodonta, about the mid-region filamentous elements of the of the Foot.

It appears, however, that the first of these characters is non-existent, and that the so-called mesenteries are simply the concrescence-areas found in all medusae.

The phenomenon of " concrescence " which we have already had to note as showing itself so importantly in regard to the free edges of the mantle-skirt and the formation of the siphons, is what, above all things, has complicated the structure of the Lamellibranch ctenidium.

The four orders now retained exhibit successive stages in the modification of the ctenidia by reflection and concrescence of the filament, but other organs, such as the heart, adductors, renal organs, may not show corresponding stages.

s, Line of concrescence of the outer lamella of the left outer gill-plate with the left mantle-flap.

) In development the medusa can be derived easily by a process of differential growth, combined with concrescence of cell-layers, from the actinula-larva.

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