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conciliatory Meaning in Tamil ( conciliatory வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சிநேகபாவ, சமாதானமான,

conciliatory தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பிறகு சுசானவோ அமதெரசுவுடன் ஏற்பட்ட சண்டையை மறந்து சமாதானமானார்.

அவரது மகனான மூன்றாம் அலெக்சாண்டர் (1894–94) ஆட்சிக்காலம் மிகவும் சமாதானமானதும், தாராளமயம் குறைந்ததுமாக இருந்தது.

சமாதானமான, போர்கள் நிகழாத காலத்தில் அவர் அடுத்த போருக்காக தயாராவதில் கவனம் செலுத்தினார்.

மக்மஹோன் குடும்பத்திலேயே ஒரேயொரு ரசிகர்-விரும்பியாக லின்டா மக்மஹோனை விடுத்து, மல்யுத்தமேனியா 2000 இல் தனது த ராக் பட்டத்துக்காக ட்ரிப்பிள் ஹெச் போராடியபோது மக்மஹோனின் அப்பாவும் சகோதரரும் உதவியபோது அவர்களுடன் மக்மடோன் சமாதானமானார்.

conciliatory's Usage Examples:

The king wished to pursue a more conciliatory policy, without, however, yielding any one of the points in dispute between himself and the revolted Netherlanders.

The discovery, however, of secret negotiations between Bolivia and Argentina caused Chile to change its conciliatory attitude.

In spite of his conciliatory policy, Clement angered Henry VI.

What Austria desired to be was a state at once conciliatory and just, and it opposed no national demand which did not overstep the limits of state security; but this loosing of bonds unchained at the same time a number of national passions before which the state retired step by step.

"His ambition was to play the role of peacemaker, and his conciliatory policy achieved many successes.

Though clever and good-looking, she was self-willed and imperious, and without the conciliatory manners which her difficult position required.

These conciliatory prelates were sincere supporters of the reformation, and combated simony, the marriage or concubinage of priests, and the immorality of sovereigns with the same conviction as the most ardent followers of Gregory VII.

John Prescott has clearly learned that rail industry bashing is not the best way to get improved performances and his tone was very conciliatory.

In his relations with the Slays the emperor displayed the same conciliatory disposition as in the case of the Magyars; but though he more than once held out hopes that he would be crowned at Prague as king of fiohemia, the project was always abandoned.

The peasants of the open country welcomed the Turks as deliverers, and Reshid's conciliatory policy facilitated his march to Athens, which fell at the first assault on the 25th of August, siege being at once laid to the Acropolis, where Gouras and his troops had taken refuge.

Love of ease and desire for peace moved him, however, to adopt a conciliatory attitude, and to yield to the emperor's desire for the reassembling of the council (September 1551), suspended since 1549.


compromising, yielding, flexible,


coldhearted, tough, loud, uncompromising,

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