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concessionnaires Meaning in Tamil ( concessionnaires வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(அரசிடம் இருந்து) சலுகை உரிமை பெற்றவர்,

concessionnaires's Usage Examples:

) each, and as the complete plans and drawings of each were presented at the times and in the order specified in the convention, the government was to deliver to the concessionnaires government securities representing the capitalization of the annuity accruing to that section.

The financial advantages, however, granted by the Turkish government were singularly favourable to thq concessionnaires and onerous to itself.

Russian concessionnaires were given the right to build roads from Tabriz to Teheran (1902) and from Tabriz to Kazvin (1903); and the Russian Bank opened new branches in Seistanan example followed in 1903 by the Bank of Persia.

The concessionnaires regard Korean labour as docile and intelligent.

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