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complex Meaning in Tamil ( complex வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


complex's Usage Examples:

A complex apocentric modification of a kind which we cannot imagine to have been repeated independently, and which is to be designated as uniradial, frequently forms a new centre around which new diverging modifications are produced.

"Fullmetal Alchemist - Skilled alchemist Edward Elric sets out after the mythical Philosopher's Stone and finds himself in the midst of political intrigue and complex moral dilemmas.

In both cases, I was almost affronted to find that I remembered almost none of the detail of their complex plots.

continuous series, with massive, quadrate, transversely ridged or complex crowns--the posterior premolars usually resembling the molars in structure.

Its complexity reflects the corresponding intricacy of geographical and geological evolution.

This is the name of a quite new skyscrapers complex.

(1999) On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence parameters of graphs.

If ectoparasitic and attached to the skin, apertures or gills, the Trematode adopts more elaborate adhesive organs and undergoes a less complex development than are required for the endoparasitic members of the class.

Complex II Succinate dehydrogenase complex; succinate; ubiquinone oxidoreductase; coenzyme Q reductase.

The philologists have added to the confusion by classing as " Celtic " the speeches of the darkcomplexioned races of the west of Scotland and the west of Ireland.

There is reason to believe that in certain cases such complex ions do exist, and interfere with the results of the differing ionic velocities.

These monkeys are characterized by their lank bodies, long slender limbs and tail, welldeveloped thumbs, absence of cheek-pouches, and complex stomachs.

Visually complex items, such as bookshelves, paned windows, or even patterned pillows or drapes are limited.


complexness, mazy, convoluted, multiplex, complicated, colonial, hard, Gordian, decomposable, tangled, daedal, interlacing, tortuous, labyrinthine, labyrinthian, interwoven, composite, intricate, Byzantine, interlocking, knotty, involved, analyzable, multifactorial, difficult, compound, interlinking, complexity, thickening,


smooth, moderating, simple, easy, simplicity,

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