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commodo Meaning in Tamil ( commodo வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கழிவுக் கலம், இழுப்பறைப் பெட்டி,

commodo's Usage Examples:

Hugh, whose father is a former commodore at the Downs Sailing Club in Deal, is also focussed on his long term future.

Official opening for Westray marina Westray ' s new marina was officially opened on Tuesday afternoon by former Westray yachting club commodore Norman Cooper.

The American commodore was considered by many of his subordinates to have displayed excessive caution.

In 1737 he was appointed to the "Centurion," 60, on the eve of war with Spain, and when hostilities had begun he was chosen to command as commodore the squadron which was sent to attack her possessions in South America in 1740.

His next service was in the James river flotilla, but after reaching the rank of commodore, on the 16th of July 1862, he was assigned to duty against blockade runners in the West Indies.

They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.

exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

He was then employed on the North American station, and later (1819), was made commodore and commander-in-chief on the South American station, where his able conduct came prominently into notice.

He was disrated (becoming a captain on the retired list) in November 1862 on the ground that he had been too old to receive the rank of commodore under the act then governing promotions; and engaged in a long controversy with Gideon Welles, secretary of the navy.

The American commodore was now able to blockade the British flotilla at Kingston.

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