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combative Meaning in Tamil ( combative வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



combative தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


combative's Usage Examples:

Secondly he had a quality of combativeness, of always being actively engaged in combat against all that negated the Truth and disrupted harmony.

The combative energy, the sense of superiority, the spirit of satire, characteristic of him as a Roman, unite with his loyalty to Epicurus to render him not only polemical but intolerant and contemptuous in his tone toward the great antagonists of his system, the Stoics, whom, while constantly referring to them, he does not condescend even to name.

vigorous representative of the bold combative spirit of the ancient Roman commons.

As if the original roster were not enough to whet your combative whistle, this title also grants you the opportunity to add even more fighters to the arena.

His combative disposition led him into numerous personal difficulties.

The historical bent thus given to the drama was continued by the versatile Mendes Leal, by Gomes da Amorim and by Pinheiro Chagas, who all however succumbed more or less to the atmosphere and machinery of ultra-Romanticism, while the plays of Antonio Ennes deal with questions of the day in a spirit of combative liberalism.

In politics Daunou was a Girondist without combativeness; a confirmed republican, who lent himself always to the policy of conciliation, but whose probity remained unchallenged.

It is in its essence, and it is a main condition of its success, to kindle into fierce exercise among great masses of men the destructive and combative passions - passions as fierce and as malevolent as that with which the hound hunts the fox to its death or the tiger springs upon its prey.

Other symptoms of heat stroke include mental confusion with possible combativeness and bizarre behavior, staggering, and faintness.

If we could imagine the elder Cato living under Domitian, cut off from all share in public life, and finding no outlet for his combative energy except in literature, we should perhaps understand the motives of Juvenal's satire and the place which is his due as a representative of the genius of his country.

Naturally of a combative temperament, and endowed with a persevering tenacity rare among his countrymen, he struggled for what he considered the liberation of his country from the economic bondage of foreign nations.


bellicose, aggressive, battleful,


socialistic, unaffected, uncontroversial, unaggressive,

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