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colonel Meaning in Tamil ( colonel வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


படைப்பகுதி முதல்வன்,

colonel தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


colonel's Usage Examples:

"The young man's a real hussar!" shouted the colonel, again thumping the table.

On the outbreak of the Spanish American War in 1898 Wood was commissioned colonel of volunteers, and together with Roosevelt, as lieutenant-colonel, raised the famous regiment of " Rough Riders," composed of western ranchmen and cowboys as well as members of prominent eastern families eager to serve under these two strenuous leaders.

By his first wife he had three children: Henri, who became insane; Louis Emmanuel, who succeeded his father as duke of Angouleme and was colonel-general of light cavalry and governor of Provence; and Francois, who died in 1622.

- colonel for Contreras-Churubusco and colonel for Chapultepec.

In August 1847 he was breveted lieutenantcolonel for gallant and meritorious conduct at Contreras and Churubusco.

Though unattached and unenlisted, he fought at Bull Run, and then returned to Washington, resigned his seat, and entered the Union army as colonel of the 31st Illinois Volunteers, which he organized.

In 1785 Bentham started, by way of Italy and Constantinople, on a visit to his brother, Samuel Bentham, a naval engineer, holding the rank of colonel in the Russian service; and it was in Russia that he wrote his Defence of Usury.

, and especially distinguished himself in 1705 at the battle of Cassano, where he was so severely wounded in the neck that he had ever after to wear a silver stock; yet he never rose above the rank of colonel, owing to an eccentric habit of speaking unpleasant truths to his superiors.

He was given the colonelcy of the 10th (Lancashire Fusiliers), but was too late to take part in the battle of Culloden.

Rokke, a former US army colonel, also briefed the Commons Defense Select Committee on the risks of DU in 1999.

The colony is administered by a governor, who exercises military power through a marine infantry colonel, and civil power with the assistance of a privy '- A similar usage exists in Malay; see paper by Yule in Jour.

Now what was the colonel to do?Mr Roosevelt declined the colonelcy of the regiment, preferring to take the post of lieutenant-colonel under his intimate friend Dr Leonard Wood, who, while a surgeon in the United States army, had served in action with gallantry and skill against the Indians.

For thirteen days a cannonade of the town was continued without effect; and on the 20th of April, news having come in from the advanced guard at Hamad of large reinforcements to the besieged, General Stewart was compelled to retreat; and a dragoon was despatched to Lieutenant-colonel Macleod, commanding at Hamad, with orders to fall back.


light colonel, lieutenant colonel, commissioned military officer,



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