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colloquy Meaning in Tamil ( colloquy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



colloquy தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அப்போது தினந்தோறும் அம்பலவாண தேசிகருடைய முன்னிலையில் வித்துவான்களுடைய உபந்யாசங்களும் சம்பாஷணைகளும் நடைபெற்றன.

சுவர்க்கத்தில் சம்பாஷணை.

ஞானாம்ருதமென்னும் பிரஹ்மானந்த சம்பாஷணை.

colloquy's Usage Examples:

At the colloquy of Marburg "Zwingli offered his hand to Luther with the entreaty that they be at least Christian brethren, but Luther refused it and declared that the Swiss were of another spirit.

Catherine went home by land and stayed for a month in Genoa with Madonna Orietta Scotti, a noble lady of that city, at whose house Gregory had a long colloquy with her, which encouraged him to push on to Rome.

The colloquy of Erasmus De sacerdotiis captandis bears witness to the same state of things.

In the cave the saint held his famous colloquy with the devil, in which Satan was worsted and contemptuously dismissed.

In these works, almost invariably composed in the form of a colloquy, Siva, as a rule, in answer to questions asked by his consort Parvati, unfolds the mysteries of this occult creed.

Theodore Beza from Geneva and Peter Martyr Vermigli from Zurich appeared at the colloquy; the German theologians to whom invitations had been despatched only arrived in Paris after the discussion was broken off.

The States General met in December; the edict of Orleans (January 1561) followed, and finally, after the colloquy of Poissy, the edict of January 1562, the most liberal, except that of Nantes, ever obtained by the Protestants of France.

At a colloquy of preachers in Flensburg (8th April 1529) Hofmann, John Campanus and others were put on their defence.

Colloquy of Marburg >>The colloquy of Erasmus De sacerdotiis captandis bears witness to the same state of things.

He lost favour with Duke John Frederic of Saxony, fell into bad health, was deposed (1555) from his offices, and was disappointed in his hopes of being reinstated, after the colloquy at Eisenach (1J56).

His style, especially in the parts belonging to " J," is graphic and picturesque, the descriptions are vivid and abound in detail and colloquy, and both emotion and religious feeling are warmly and sympathetically expressed in it.

The colloquy at Poissy between the cardinal of Lorraine and Theodore Bean (September 1561), did not end in the agreement hoped for, and the duke of Guise so far abused its spirit as to embroil the French Calvinists with the German IThis humane privilege was grossly abused, and thus gave rise to the slang phrase "to sham Abraham.

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