<< cloturing cloud >>

clou Meaning in Tamil ( clou வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கவர்ச்சிமிக்க மையக்கூறு

clou's Usage Examples:

He was very impressed by the graphics on the first screen, which showed a giant beanstalk climbing into the clouds.

However, the introduction of CFC-free inhalers has clouded the issue.

Ruby said, " He gave Valentines first time a fair old clout, but after that he was going super all the way.

The sea-cloud conceals from view the other islands, except those whose mountains pierce through it.

Latent heat is released in clouds, at higher levels, and tends to warm the middle troposphere.

Options include four levels of difficulty, day or night flying, crosswind and turbulence effects, and cloud.

The sky is continuously cloudless from the beginning of May till about the end of October; during the summer months the nights as a rule are dewy, except in the desert.

Most of the UK, except East Anglia and N and E Scotland, was covered with low stratiform frontal cloud.

All in all, the EU has gained considerable clout during the last few years in these areas.

puffs of steam clouded his breath.

All additives under a toxicological cloud to be withdrawn immediately pending a complete review of their safety.

Tattered, blue-purple clouds, reddening in the east, were scudding before the wind.

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