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cloak Meaning in Tamil ( cloak வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தளர் மேலுடுப்பு

cloak's Usage Examples:

He comes to the surface of the city only at night, heavily cloaked.

He dug his dirty hands into the depths of the folded cloak, relishing the feel of it, then hugged it.

) to the appointment of persons to watch over the sacred cloak (cappa or capella) of St Martin of Tours, which was preserved as a relic by the French monarchs.

The valet brought a woman's fox-lined cloak.

If your daughter insists on wearing a revealing dress indoors make sure she covers up with a beautiful wool cloak or full-length dress coat with matching muffler when she is outdoors.

, in winter; the yapanjah, or woollen Kurdish cloak, a kind of felt, having a shaggy side, of immense thickness, worn generally by shepherds, who use it as greatcoat, bed and bedding.

Sonya came along, wrapped in her cloak.

She pushed back the hood on her cloak to meet the man's gaze.

Behind them along the narrow, sodden, cutup forest road came hussars in threes and fours, and then Cossacks: some in felt cloaks, some in French greatcoats, and some with horsecloths over their heads.

The sense of falling once more made him clutch the cloak.

The smaller yellow feathers, once used for the war cloaks of the native chiefs, were furnished by the oo (Moho nobilis) and the as (Moho braccatus), now found only occasionally in the valleys of Kauai near Hanalei, on the N.




undress, refrain,

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