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clew Meaning in Tamil ( clew வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


clew's Usage Examples:

From the jib clew cringle, aft to the jib clew cringle, aft to the jib sheet car, to the sheet winch.

Neither will the Gospels afford a clew; for these are the record of " days of heaven upon earth.

The labyrinth from which Theseus escaped by means of the clew of Ariadne, was built by Daedalus, a most skillful artificer.

A nylon cleat is fitted near the inboard end to make off the clew outhaul.

it was exceedingly difficult to find an exit without the assistance of a clew of thread.

A short rope strop with a block running on it was made fast to each clew.

From the jib clew cringle, aft to the jib sheet car, to the sheet winch.


ball, glob, clod, lump, chunk, clump,


negativity, positiveness, positivity, invalidate, uncommunicative,

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