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cleric Meaning in Tamil ( cleric வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிறித்தவக் கோயில் குரு,

cleric's Usage Examples:

Unhappily there arose a suspicion that his views on maritime law were not favourable to the pretensions of Venice, and this suspicion, notwithstanding all his efforts to dissipate it, together with clerical intrigues, led to his expulsion from the state.

Ordinarily the sinful cleric prayed and fasted at his own discretion, and nothing is said of his confessing his sins.

Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new regime to replace the Concordat, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations cultuerles, while he secured some mitigation of the severities attending the separation.

Staffing comprises of one emergency nurse practitioner per shift and is supported by a health care assistant, who undertakes clerical and nursing duties.

When the anti-clerical policy of the revolutionary powers provoked the rising of the peasantry, of La Vendee, he put himself at the head of the men of his neighbourhood, and came rapidly to the front among the gentlemen whom the peasants took for leaders.

As a youth he fled from home to escape a clerical education, but afterwards joined his father in the coasting trade.

I charge him for the office space and clerical help but we operate independently.

Within a few weeks :similar communities were formed at Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, [[[Offenbach]], Worms, Wiesbaden and elsewhere; and at a `"council" convened at Leipzig at Easter 1845, twenty-seven congregations were represented by delegates, of whom only two or at most three were in clerical orders.

The total population of the settlement, consisting of convicts, their guards, the supervising, clerical and departmental staff, with the families of the latter, also a certain number of ex-convicts and trading settlers and their families, numbered 16,106.

In his hatred of idleness, he ventured to suppress no less than seventeen fetes, and he had a project for lessening the number of those devoted to clerical and monastic life, by fixing the age for taking the vows some years later than was then customary.

disenfranchised Pakistani youths are lured into terrorism by a radical Islamic cleric.


churchman, ordainer, ecclesiastic, pluralist, clergyman, divine, pardoner, man of the cloth, reverend,


earthly, inglorious, profane, laity, layman,

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