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claustrophobic Meaning in Tamil ( claustrophobic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பயந்து சாகும்,

claustrophobic தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


claustrophobic's Usage Examples:

Uma Thurman - The Kill Bill action heroine may have some serious martial arts skills, but has admitted to being claustrophobic.

Because the MRI examination is long and the patient opening in the machine is small, some children and adolescents may feel claustrophobic.

He felt claustrophobic in the city, needed air and space.

Some people feel claustrophobic when wearing the masks.

Also be sure to give your dog at least twelve inches head room when standing so he doesn't feel claustrophobic, and you should do well.

disorienting dilemmas, these radical changes?disorienting experience, claustrophobic almost to the degree that it induces panic.

Since comforters are often the focal point of the room, a large and gregarious print will take away from the rest of the room and give it a smaller even claustrophobic appearance and feel.

To Dean, the tunnel was even more claustrophobic as he hunched forward, taking baby steps like a second grade schoolyard game.

CPAP masks that cover the entire face make many users feel claustrophobic and prevent sleep, especially during early months of the breathing therapy.

He was tense enough to feel claustrophobic.

What about generic earpieces; are they any good?The padded earpieces provide just enough attenuation of external noise without being claustrophobic.




brave, unafraid,

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