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claimants Meaning in Tamil ( claimants வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



claimants's Usage Examples:

5) in 37, Maecenas and Cocceius Nerva are described as having been sent on an important mission, and they were successful in patching up, by the Treaty of Tarentum, a reconciliation between the two claimants for supreme power.

The remaining history of the dynasty is a wretched story of the struggle of different claimants, while the different factors of the kingdom, the cities and barbarian races, more and more assert their independence.

She wanted to think he'd done it to help her, but what kind of a monster could execute another in cold blood?Early Christian writers assert that he proceeded to search out and to execute all descendants of David who might conceivably come forward as claimants of the vacant throne.

A great battle took place in which both claimants were slain, but the party of Anulo (0.

This quarrel was interwoven with the general thread of the Thirty Years' War, and was not finally settled until 1648, when the disputed territory was divided between the two claimants.

After the murder of Kurgan the contentions which arose among the many claimants to sovereign power were arrested by the invasion of Toghluk Timur of Kashgar, a descendant of Jenghiz.

This unscrupulous proceeding, known as the Secularizations (February 1803), was carried out largely on lines laid down by Bonaparte and Talleyrand; and the latter is known to have made large sums of money by trafficking with the claimants of church lands.

There were five principal claimants - Philip II.

The claimants concluded missives for the new premises in December 1993.

Few fundamental principles were established, except in the case of the state of Wyoming, where an official was charged with the duty of ascertaining the amount of water in the streams and apportioning this to the claimants in the order of their priority of appropriation for beneficial use.

Cuts vengeful understudies a policy well american memorial life insurance company united states globe life insurance 9 9 9 9 state claimants are either.

In short, they became a considerable power in eastern Europe, and might be regarded as one of the claimants for the inheritance of the decrepit East Roman Empire.

However, such concentration still leaves 50% of claimants outside of the top quintile.


Pretender, applier, applicant,



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