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chromatin Meaning in Tamil ( chromatin வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chromatin தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நியூக்கிளியோசோம் அலகுகளின் தொகுப்பு, குரோமற்றின் (chromatin) என்னும் டி.

chromatin's Usage Examples:

My contributions - ' rabid quaggas ', ' chromatinic psychokinetic ', ' naiadales prognosis ' and ' proton gnomons '.

The chromatin substance increases in amount; the thread stains moie deeply, and in most cases presents a homogeneous appearance.

It forms a part of the 1mm or plastin network of the nucleus and may become impregnated with varying quantities of chromatin stored up for use in the formation of the chromosomes and other nuclear activities.

The thickness of the axial chromatin fibril is 6-10 nm.

We have employed yeast genetics along with biochemical approaches to uncover remodeling of extensive chromatin domains.

The chromatin is distributed throughout the cytoplasm in the form of granules which may be regarded as a distributed nucleus corresponding to what Hertwig has designated, in protozoa, chromidia.

chromatin remodeling in transcriptional termination.

In the living condition the resting nucleus appears to consist of a homogeneous ground substance containing a large number of small chromatin granules and one or more large spherical granulesnucleolithe whole being surrounded by a limiting membrane which separates it from the cytoplasm.

He thinks it may possibly originate in the vacuolization of the central region, and the accumulation of chromatin granules therein.

Oertel finds an explanation of this want of complete celldifferentiation, loss of function, and acquired vegetative activity in the non-homogeneous character of the nuclear chromatin elements of the cell, and maintains that the different properties of the cell are carried and handed down by the different orders of chromatin loops.

i The NucleolusIn the majority of plant-nuclei, both in the higher and lower plants, there is found, in addition to the chromatin network, a deeply stained spherical or slightly irregular body (sometimes more than one) called the nucleolus (fig.

The eukaryotic solution to the compaction problem is called chromatin, a complex of DNA and structural proteins.

If, from whatever cause, any of the chromatin loops belonging to the functional order be lost the descendants of such a cell, being unable to restore these loops, will be minus the functional attributes associated with the lost elements.

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