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chordal Meaning in Tamil ( chordal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

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chordal's Usage Examples:

The following are some examples of formulae of this kind, in terms of chordal areas.

A pretend skeleton someone put there to scare you?The skeleton is cartilaginous, and the skull is remarkable for the very elongate suspensorium of the lower jaw; the tail remains in the notochordal condition, no cartilages being formed in this organ, which is destined to disappear with the gills.

At the very least, be able to provide simple chordal accompaniments during lessons.

8), seen in solid tentacles as a row of cubical vacuolated cells, occupying the axis of the tentacle, greatly resembling notochordal tissue, particularly that of Amphioxus at a certain stage of development; as a fourth variety of endodermal cells excretory cells should perhaps be reckoned, as seen in the pores in the foot of Hydra and elsewhere (cf.

Some of the formulae obtained by the above methods can be expressed more simply in terms of chordal or tangential areas taken in various ways.

The general method of constructing the formulae of § 7 0 for chordal areas is that, if p, q, r, .

The - - 4X + g tangential area may be expressed in terms of chordal areas.

2um) Now, if p is any factor of m, there is a series of equidistant ordinates uo, up, 142p, um - p, um; and the chordal area as determined by these ordinates is ph (2uo + up + u2p +.

Harmonies were enriched with altered 9th, 11th or 13th chords, and the soloist 's lines were based on these chordal voicings.

The skeleton is cartilaginous, and the skull is remarkable for the very elongate suspensorium of the lower jaw; the tail remains in the notochordal condition, no cartilages being formed in this organ, which is destined to disappear with the gills.

I play solo chordal jazz ala Joe Pass, Johnny Smith, Barney Kessel ect.

This is called the trapezoidal or chordal area, and will be denoted by C1.

The tentacles are always solid, containing an axis of endoderm-cells resembling notochordal tissue or plantparenchyma, and are but moderately flexible.

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