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challengers Meaning in Tamil ( challengers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அறை கூவுபவன், அறை கூவுபவள்,

challengers's Usage Examples:

Who is going to be the ultimate champion ready to take on the challengers at the royal rumble.

credible challengers to Tory dominance in local politics.

For instance, Goomba's 4 challengers are different than Mario's 10.

Play online against challengers from around the world with an easy-to-use interface.

You race 5 challengers in succession; winning each lap starts the next with a new set of challengers.

man-to-man combat between challengers for the favors of a woman usually ended in the symbolic death of an opponent.


semifinalist, foe, street fighter, queen, contender, world-beater, rival, scratch, champion, favourite, champ, competition, favorite, tilter, tier, second best, enemy, runner-up, contestant, front-runner, finalist, competitor, comer, king, title-holder,


winner, antagonist, female monarch, queen, friend,

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