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chaft Meaning in Tamil ( chaft வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஊடுபழை, துாபியின் முனைமுகடு, சுரங்கவாயிற்குழி,

chaft's Usage Examples:

Shirley, Noble and Gentle Men (1860); Gneist, Adel and Ritterschaft in England (Berlin, 1853); Sir George Sitwell, "The English Gentleman," in the Ancestor (No.

He may be said to have set the pattern which was followed in succeeding ages by the compilers of " political geographies " Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen (Leipzig, 1891), Abt.

Ethe, "Nasir Chusrau's Rushanainama," in Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, xxxiii.

The ill success of Die Weltalter nerved him to new efforts, and he repeated his views in Katechismus des Rechts (1852), Grundlinen einer Wissenschaft der Natur (1864), Seele and Geist (1871), and numerous other books, which, however, met with no better fate.

The Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, published by the Berlin Chemical Society, the Chemisches Centralblatt, which is confined to abstracts of papers appearing in other journals, the Zeitschrift fur Chemie, and Liebig's Annalen der Chemie are the most important of the general magazines.

See Usener, Organisation der wissenschaftl.

Connolly's study of the early Syrian creed (Zeitschrift _fib, die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1906, p.

6 " Geomorphologie als genetische Wissenschaft," in Report of Sixth International Geog.

His memory is still cherished in the district, for he conferred on it the title of Gefiirstete Grafschaft, spent much time in it, and erected in the chief church of Innsbruck a sumptuous monument as his tomb.

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