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cellulose Meaning in Tamil ( cellulose வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cellulose தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


cellulose's Usage Examples:

The constitution of guncotton is a difficult matter to investigate, primarily on account of the very insoluble nature of cellulose itself, and also from the fact that comparatively slight variations in the concentration and temperature of the acids used produce considerable differences in the products.

'The suberized and cuticularized cell-walls appear to contain a fatty body called suberin, and such cell-walls can be stained red by a solution of alcanin, the lignified and cellulose membranes remaining unstained.

This image was derived from an unstained cellulose lacquer peel, from the Jurassic, Kimmeridge Clay, Maple Ledge Shales.

Glucoside >>It appears to be synthesized in the plant tissues from carbon dioxide and water, formaldehyde being an intermediate product; or it may be a hydrolytic product of a glucoside or of a polysaccharose, such as cane sugar, starch, cellulose, 'c.

, however, other anaerobic bacteria which decompose cellulose, probably hydrolysing it first and then splitting the products into carbon dioxide and marsh gas.

Here we have images of Dinoflagellate 5 cysts from a stained cellulose lacquer peel.

Apart from over spray the worst problem with spraying in a confined space, like a garage, is the fumes from cellulose thinners.

The nitrated product retains the outward form of the original cellulose.

crooning along with Glenn Campbell!On its return to Barnt Green, John Glenn effected a complete repaint at home, using cellulose.

Filtration in the chemical laboratory is commonly effected by the aid of a special kind of unsized paper, which in the more expensive varieties is practically pure cellulose, impurities like feric oxide, alumina, lime, magnesia and silica having been removed by treatment with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids.

On its return to Barnt Green, John Glenn effected a complete repaint at home, using cellulose.

, commonly occur, and Wisselingh's researches show that chitin, a gluco-proteid common in animals, forms the main constituent in many cases, and is probably deposited directly as such, though, like the other substances, it may be mixed with cellulose.

The membrane which surrounds the protoplasts in the majority of plants is typically composed of cellulose, together with a number of other substances which are known as pectic compounds.


cellulose ester, diethylaminoethyl cellulose, pulp, DEAE cellulose, polyose, fibre, pectin, polysaccharide, paper, carboxymethyl cellulose, fiber, cellulosic,


uncover, irresponsibility, irresponsibleness, unthoughtfulness,

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