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celled Meaning in Tamil ( celled வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

உயிர்மங்களை உடைய

celled's Usage Examples:

In Gymnosperms, where vessels and fibres are absent, the late summer wood is composed of radially narrow thick-walled tracheids, the wood of the succeeding spring being wide-celled and thin-walled, so that the limit of the years growth is very well marked.

He excelled in football of three kinds, and in fives, racquets, and especially tennis - holding the amateur championship for tennis from 1882 to 1896.

The small round celled sarcoma is a malignant growth, and is composed of the primitive type of cell that goes to form fibrous tissue (fig.

His brief Inquiry Concerning Human Liberty (1715) has not been excelled, at all events in its main outlines, as a statement of the determinist standpoint.

A provision was made that if, after waiting a year at Venice, they were unable to go to Jerusalem, this part of the vow should be cancelled and they should at once betake themselves to Rome.

Each has a small calyx in the form of a shallow rim, sometimes five-lobed or toothed; five petals, which cohere by their tips and form a cap or hood, which is pushed off when the stamens are ripe; and five free stamens, placed opposite the petals and springing from a fleshy ring or disk surrounding the ovary; each bears a twocelled anther.

He was a prolific writer on a great variety of subjects, in all of which he excelled as a popularizer rather than as an original thinker.

No one ever excelled him in daring and resource as a naval officer, but he suffered from serious defects of character, and even those who think him guiltless of the charge on which he was convicted in 1814 must feel that he had his own imprudence and want of self-command to thank for many of his misfortunes.

People often only think of travel insurance as something needed for luxury travelers, to reimburse for plane tickets or hotel rooms if a trip is interrupted or cancelled.

The chief who had led a band of kinsmen and dependants to the new land, taken a " claim " there, and parcelled it out among them, naturally became their leader, presiding as priest at the temple feasts and sacrifices of heathen times, acting as speaker of their moot, and as their representative towards the neighbouring chiefs.

Where Erasmus excelled was in prefaces - not philological introductions to each author, but spirited appeals to the interest of the general reader, showing how an ancient book might be made to minister to modern spiritual demands.

The fruit consists of a three-celled capsule, covered externally with soft yielding prickles, and each cell develops a single seed.


acellular, one-celled, noncellular,


cellular, honeycombed, pitted, cancellate,

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