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caverns Meaning in Tamil ( caverns வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அடிநில குகை,

caverns's Usage Examples:

south of Hannibal), which has a deep pool containing many eyeless fish; and various caverns in Miller, Ozark, Greene and Parry counties.

Those of the great cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), found abundantly in certain caverns of central Europe and Asia, show that it must have exceeded in size the polar bear of the present day.

There are several interesting limestone caverns, and Sylvan Lake, in the high mountain district, is an important resort.

Fossil species of Dolichotis occur in the caverns of Brazil, and also in the superficial deposits of Argentina.

7), or who had sought refuge in caverns (xiii.

Wave action is seen in the numerous caverns, and south-east of Portland Bill, the southern extremity of the isle, is a bank called the Shambles, between which and the land there flows a dangerous current called the Race of Portland.

In the limestone regions caverns and natural bridges occur, among which Luray Cavern and the Natural Bridge are well known.

beetles and crickets abound; and now and then a blind crawfish darts through the waters; but as compared with many caverns the fauna and flora are not abundant.

This character is represented in rude but graphic drawings of prehistoric age found in caverns in the south of France.

The Mithraic temples of Roman times were artificial grottoes (spelaea) wholly or partially underground, in imitation of the original selcuded mountain caverns of Asia.

The cliffs of the Head, however, are pierced with caverns and fringed with rocks of fantastic outline.

None of them is of any importance except Cabrera, which is full of caverns, and was formerly used as a place of banishment.


natural enclosure, enclosure,


solid, full, hollowness,

caverns's Meaning in Other Sites