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cava Meaning in Tamil ( cava வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cava தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பட்-சியாரி நோய்க்கூட்டறிகுறி என்பதானது ஈரல் சிரை அல்லது கீழ்ப் பெருஞ்சிரையின் அடைப்பாகும்.

cava's Usage Examples:

In describing the monuments discovered by the French excavators, the simplest plan is to follow the route of Pausanias.

The bottom-slice caving system of mining begins at the bottom of a hundred-foot block of ground, a floor being excavated under the whole area, leaving pillars of sufficient size to support the ground above.

Sherman, like Sheridan, was much criticized for his methods of reducing opposition, but it does not seem that his "bummers" were guilty of wanton cruelty and destructiveness, at least in general, though the cavalry naturally gave more ground for the accusation than the main body of the army.

At night the troops, now reinforced by the Guards Brigade, an infantry battalion, 2 cavalry regiments and 10 guns, bivouacked on the ground.

Only a quarter of the cavalry and 14 battalions of infantry (English and Dutch) remained intact, and Waldeck could do no more, but with these he emulated the last stand of the Spaniards at Rocroi fifty years before.

Kavvadias, who excavated the theatre, believes that the proscenium is contemporary with the rest of the theatre, which, like the Tholos, was built by Polyclitus (the younger); but Professor W.

cavalry twill slacks was razor sharp.

It remained for the more robust faith of a Schliemann to show that such scepticism was all too faint-hearted, by proving that at such sites as Tiryns, Mycenae and Hissarlik evidences of a very early period of Greek civilization awaited the spade of the excavator.

Based on the computations made by the architect of the American excavations, E.

LITUUS, the cavalry trumpet of the Romans, said by Macrobius (Saturn.

These raids, and the more ordinary screening work, were never executed more brilliantly than by Lee's great cavalry general, "Jeb" Stuart, in Virginia, but the Federal generals, Pleasonton and Sheridan, did excellent work in the east, as also Wheeler and Forrest on the Confederate, Wilson and Grierson on the Federal, side in the west.

waster heap has been partially excavated.

knapping demonstrations, beside examining the results of the excavations.

cava's Meaning in Other Sites