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cauline Meaning in Tamil ( cauline வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தண்டைச் சார்ந்த

cauline's Usage Examples:

In addition to these cauline (fi rstcell).

trace of Pteridophytes (Lycopodiales and Equisetales) in and Petlolar which the leaves are small relatively to the stem, the Strands, single bundle destined for each leaf is a small strand whose departure causes no disturbance in the cauline stele.

Thus leaves arising from the crown of the root, as in Phyllo- the primrose, are called radical; those on the stem are cauline; on flower-stalks, floral leaves (see Flower).

The protoxylem of each is a leaftrace, while the metaxylem consisting of a right and a left portion forms a quite distinct cauline system.

Purely cauline vascular strands (i.

In other cases the leaf-gaps are very broad and long, the meristeles separating them being reduced to comparatively slender strands, while there is present in each gap a network of fine vascular threads, some of which run out to the leaf, while others form cross-connections between these leaf-trace strands and also with the main cauline meristeles.

a, The main anatomical features of a cycad stern a Spermatozoids may be summarized as follows: the centre is from G of fi occupied by a large parenchymatous pith traversed g; by numerous secretory canals, and in some genera c p onen-grain by cauline vascular bundles (e.

Only the median or carinal strand of xylem is common to stem and leaf; the lateral cauline strands possibly represent the remains of a centripetally developed mass of primary xylem.

Finally the cauline meristeles themselves may be resolved into a number of fine threads.


weak-stemmed, woolly-stemmed, stemmed, leafy-stemmed, short-stemmed, stout-stemmed, woody-stemmed, thick-stemmed, cylindrical-stemmed, wiry-stemmed, caulescent, spiny-stemmed, multi-stemmed,


acaulescent, stemmed, stemless,

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