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cascades Meaning in Tamil ( cascades வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தொடர்படு அருவிகள்,

cascades's Usage Examples:

supercritical pitchfork bifurcations underwent period-doubling cascades leading to chaos.

One of its plateau tributaries, Rio Pedregal, rises on the slopes of Cotopaxi and is celebrated for its three beautiful cascades, the highest of which is about 220 ft.

The surrounding gardens are adorned with fountains, cascades, lakes and grottos, the principal fountain sending up a jet of water 180 ft.

Both the Lom and the Nyong (a more southerly stream) rise in the central plateau, from which they descend in splendid cascades, breaking through the parallel coast range in rapids, which indicate the extent of their navigability.

It is fit for the hardy fernery, shady peat borders, near cascades, or among shrubs, and grows in any moist soil.

Innumerable rills gather in lovely streams, and, after heavy rains, torrents precipitate themselves in grand cascades from the mountain cliffs - a feature so striking as to have attracted the attention of all voyagers, from Wallis downwards.

Now many of the trees are well over 2m tall and the cascades of hot pink bougainvillea are thriving.

The "cascades" are wonderful formations like foaming cataracts caught in mid-air and transformed into milk-white or amber alabaster.

Descending rapidly from its source, sometimes over cascades, the river soon enters deep gorges through which it flows as far as Beaulieu (department of Correze) where it debouches into a wide and fertile valley and is shortly after joined by the Cere.

Through these gorges dash magnificent cascades, others leaping the escarpments of the plateaus in waterfalls of great volume and depth.

He fitted out three rafts, in August 1870, and descended this whole series of rapids and cascades from the Rio Chinchipe to Borja.


Coast Mountains, Mount Ranier, Mount Adams, northwestern United States, Mount Saint Helens, Mt. Ranier, Adams, Cascade Range, Cascade Mountains, Northwest, Mount St. Helens, Coast Range, Mt. St. Helens, Mount Tacoma, Ranier,



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