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capitate Meaning in Tamil ( capitate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தனித் தலைப்புப்பகுதியுடைய

capitate's Usage Examples:

Within seconds, she had decapitated him and sent the disembodied head soaring across the room.

But in the decapitated animal we have good arguments for belief that we get the reflex movement alone as response; the psychical touch drops out.

So Peter also seemed to have thought, for though Mons was decapitated and his severed head, preserved in spirits, was placed in the apartments of the empress, she did not lose Peter's favour, attended him during his last illness, and closed his eyes when he expired (February 28, 1725).

"Huntly, as a Royalist, was decapitated at Edinburgh; and the envoys of Charles, thanks to the advice of Montrose, failed to induce him to stamp himself a recreant and a hypocrite by signing any covenants.

- Sessile, stalked, with capitate tentacles arranged in groups on eight projecting marginal lobes.

The dactylozoids have no mouth; in Milleporidae they have short capitate tentacles, but lack tentacles in Stylasteridae.

Tr ophosome, polyps with an upper circlet of numerous capitate tentacles, and a lower circlet of filiform tentacles.

Trophosome, polyps with two whorls of tentacles, the lower filiform, the upper capitate; gonosome, free medusae, with tentacles solid and branched.

Trophosome, polyps with a single whorl of capitate tentacles; gonosome, free medusae, with ten tacles branched, solid.

The superior ovary - half-inferior in Samolus - bears a simple style ending in a capitate entire stigma, and contains a free-central placenta bearing generally a large number of ovules, which are exceptional in the group Gamopetalae in having two integuments.

The style is simple or branched, and the stigma is linear, capitate or globose in form; these variations afford means for distinguishing the different genera.

The genus Myriothela is a solitary polyp with scattered capitate tentacles, producing sporosacs.

- Trophosome polyps After Haeckel, System der Medusen, by with capitate tentacles, simple or permission of Gustav Fischer.


wrist bone, carpal bone, carpal, os capitatum, capitate bone,


noncyclic, angular, square,

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