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cap Meaning in Tamil ( cap வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குல்லாய் அணி, தொப்பி, மூடல், மூடி,

cap தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அமைப்பின் உறுப்பினர்கள் காந்தி குல்லாய் அணிவதில் பெயர் பெற்றவர்கள்.

cap's Usage Examples:

"I just escaped!" the boy whined.

Purpura, a purplish or reddish-brown rash or discoloration of the skin, and petechiae, small round pinpoint hemorrhages, are both caused by the leakage of blood from tiny capillaries under the skin.

In the United Kingdom the metric standard of capacity is the litre, represented (Order in Council, 19th May 1890) by the capacity of a hollow cylindrical brass measure whose internal diameter is equal to one-half its height, and which at 0° C.

foetuswomen, photos of destroyed fetuses or videos of suction procedures do not capture the reality of abortion.

A very curious function sometimes discharged by the antennules or antennae of Decapods is that of forming a respiratory siphon in sand-burrowing species.

This army was hemmed in by the skill of the Burmans; and, being reduced by the want of provisions, it was afterwards attacked and totally destroyed, with the exception of 2500 men, who were sent in fetters to work in the Burmese capital at their several trades.

Coming to the throne at the age of sixteen, he did the wisest thing he could by allowing himself to be guided by the most capable man he could find.

The unsettled land is home to awe-inspiring frozen vistas, snow-capped mountains, gigantic icebergs and miles of unspoiled natural wonders.

The efficacy of the Little Entente as a counter-reactionary alliance was manifested in April 1921, and again in October 1921, when its concerted action helped to frustrate the two attempts of Charles of Habsburg-Lorraine to recapture the throne of Hungary.

Mainly on account of its strategic position, Diocletian on his reorganization of the empire made Trier the capital not only of Belgica Prima, but of the whole "diocese" of Gaul.

In his professional capacity, his attitude was correct enough; and, indeed, his anxiety for the French alliance and for the marriage between Elizabeth and Anjou led him to suggest concessions to Anjou's Catholic susceptibilities which came strangely from so staunch a Puritan.

He follows Vieta in assigning the vowels to the unknown quantities and the consonants to the knowns, but instead of using capitals, as with Vieta, he employed the small letters; equality he denoted by Recorde's symbol, and he introduced the signs > and < for greater than and less than.


coonskin, balaclava, biggin, earlap, tammy, watch cap, tam-o"-shanter, liberty cap, flat cap, berretta, jockey cap, skullcap, Balmoral, calpack, bathing cap, ski cap, garrison cap, wishing cap, shower cap, sailor cap, headdress, pinner, toboggan cap, stocking cap, fez, swimming cap, kepi, cockscomb, mortarboard, kalpac, coonskin cap, tarboosh, beret, nightcap, bluebonnet, Glengarry, yachting cap, kalansuwa, earflap, tam, cloth cap, overseas cap, biretta, calpac, baseball cap, balaclava helmet, mobcap, birretta, service cap, coxcomb, peaked cap, golf cap, headgear,


fauna, artifact, natural object, insecurity, inactivity,

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