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bush Meaning in Tamil ( bush வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bush தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

குலதேவி அம்பிகாதேவி சமணக் கோயில் பதர்லி, இராஜஸ்தான்.

பகவால் செர் கலந்தர் என்று பொதுவாக அழைக்கப்படும் பகவால் கக் பாக்தாத்தில் இருந்து வந்து தீபல்பூருக்கு அருகிலுள்ள பதர்வால் கிராமத்தில் குடியேறினார்.

அவைகள்: அம்தாலி, பாம்னா, பர்குனா சதர், பேடாகி, பதர்கட்டா மற்றும் தல்தாலி ஆகும்.

உஸ்தாத் பதர் உஸ் ஜமான் போன்ற சில பாரம்பரிய இசைக்கலைஞர்கள் எந்த பிரபலமான கரானாவையும் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் அல்ல.

மூன்று குதிரைத் திறப்பு ஆட்டத்தில், சமநிலையை உருவாக்கும் நான்கு குதிரை ஆட்டத்தை தவிர்பதர்க்கு, கருப்பு தனது காய் நகர்த்தலான  3.

பதர், 18 ஆண்டுகளாக இவருடன் தொடர்பிலிருந்தார்.

எனவே, எல்லா மனுஷாபதர்களும் ஒரு சாட் அல்லது தனிப்பட்ட தரவரிசை, ஒரு சொனார், அல்லது ஒரு துருப்பு தரவரிசை வைத்திருந்தனர்.

இறுதியாக பாரசீகமானது முசாபரிடுகள், கர்டிடுகள், எரெட்னிடுகள், சோபனிடுகள், இஞ்சுயுடுகள், சலயிருடுகள் மற்றும் சர்பதர்களால் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளப்பட்டது.

பாலு, அண்ணா திராவிட முன்னேற்ற கழகத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பதர் சயீதை, 2,20,740 வாக்குகள் வேறுபாட்டில் வென்றார்.

பயனுள்ள பாக்டீரியா அல்லது நொதித்தலின் தயாரிப்புகள் உணவை கெடாமல் வைப்பதர்க்கும் உணவில் உள்ள கிருமிகளை கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் வைத்திருக்க உதவுகிறது.

உலகையும் உலக இன்பங்களையும் துறந்து துறவற வாழ்க்கை வாழ்பவர்களாகவே, மிகப்பழைமையான பாசுபதர்கள் விளங்கினார்கள்.

பதர்பிரதிமா சமூக மேம்பாட்டுத் தொகுதி 21 ° 47′32 ″ வடக்கிலும், 88 ° 21′20 ″ கிழக்கிலும் அமைந்துள்ளது.

இக்கட்டிடம் அண்டை வணிகப் பகுதிகளான பதர்கட்டி, ஷெஹ்ரான், சார்மினார், இலாட் பஜார் ஆகியவற்றுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

bush's Usage Examples:

In 1902 the total production of wheat in the island was 2,946,070 bushels, but in 1903 it rose to 4,823,800 bushels, in 1904 it fell to 4,015,020, and in 1905 rose again to 4,351,987 bushels, 81 of the whole production of Italy.

I caught this little beetle, only a few millimeters long, crawling around on our bush of yellow flowers.

Survey results showed that transgenic canola yielded approximately three bushels per acre (10 %) more than conventional canola in 2000.

Soon a green river winked at them playfully between rocks and bushes, and roared impressively as they entered the clearing at the mill site.

grandiflorum forms a spreading bush about a foot high, from which springs racemes of pink and lilac flowers.

Toby was wrestling with a bush and didn't respond.

rose bush, which whips across the face in a wind.

In the American button-bush the heads are globular, in some species of teazel elliptical, while in scabious and in composite plants, as sunflower, dandelion, thistle, centaury and marigold, they are somewhat hemispherical, with a flattened, slightly hollowed, or convex disk.

The tarbush or turki-topi was introduced into India by Sir Sayyid Ahmad (Plate I.

"I'm sure the Princess is ready to be picked," asserted Dorothy, gazing hard at the beautiful girl on the bush.

We left the compound and got ambushed by people we mistook for refugees.

The oat crop was 25,347,549 bushels in 1870; 42,050,910 bushels (grown on 1,115,149 acres) in 1899; and 56,225,000 bushels (grown on 1,730,000 acres) in 1909.


coyote bush, Xylomelum pyriforme, lavender cotton, red gram, Pickeringia montana, kidney wort, West Indian snowberry, East Indian rosebay, Apalachicola rosemary, carissa, Cyrilla racemiflora, cotton plant, kei apple bush, boxthorn, southern arrow wood, Nero"s crown, feijoa bush, Russian thistle, Comptonia peregrina, Codariocalyx motorius, Radyera farragei, rockrose, velvet-leaf, Guevina avellana, pachouli, wahoo, Menziesia pilosa, Pieris floribunda, Australian heath, Chile nut, buddleia, forestiera, caricature plant, Cycloloma atriplicifolium, retem, Telopea speciosissima, honeybells, leucothoe, Hibiscus farragei, mutisia, blolly, wineberry, honey bell, Euonymus americanus, staff tree, mastic, Gaultheria shallon, pitcher sage, cranberry, false azalea, Cajanus cajan, dombeya, squawroot, fire bush, governor"s plum, Robinia hispida, ground-berry, Solanum quitoense, mountain azalea, twistwood, Aralia stipulata, potato tree, cherry laurel, Dovyalis caffra, Microstrobos niphophilus, hamelia, sand cherry, saltbush, Ardisia paniculata, Parkinsonia aculeata, coffee rose, Baccharis pilularis, red shrubby penstemon, naranjilla, Japanese andromeda, Brazilian potato tree, daphne, mesquite, winter sweet, crape jasmine, woody pear, winged pigweed, Embothrium coccineum, Japanese angelica tree, Leucothoe fontanesiana, butterfly bush, bridal-wreath, angel"s trumpet, arbutus, Kiggelaria africana, white titi, jasmine, Ilex cornuta, Christmas berry, heath, moose-wood, othonna, Astroloma humifusum, Diervilla lonicera, Cineraria maritima, laurel cherry, African hemp, hiccough nut, consumption weed, Pogostemon cablin, witch alder, sea eryngium, capsicum pepper plant, Salsola soda, Quercus vaccinifolia, cotton, three-seeded mercury, fever tree, Styphelia humifusum, cotton-seed tree, kei apple, gooseberry, native holly, caragana, Viburnum trilobum, Ardisia crenata, cannabis, mountain devil, Medinilla magnifica, bushman"s poison, summer sweet, dog laurel, mallow, toyon, thorn apple, holly-leaves barberry, blue cohosh, coca, haw, Viburnum opulus, Batis maritima, Chilean rimu, Ziziphus jujuba, American spicebush, pyxie, Francoa ramosa, sloe, desert rose, tamarillo, oleaster, Viburnum dentatum, joint fir, daisy bush, coralberry, Brugmansia arborea, grevillea, Datura arborea, shrublet, Tabernaemontana divaricate, chaparral broom, shallon, guelder rose, crampbark, Cytesis proliferus, box, Weigela florida, needle bush, night jessamine, mimosa, Brassaia actinophylla, Brunfelsia americana, ordeal tree, spirea, Sarcocephalus esculentus, Lepidothamnus laxifolius, artemisia, flame bush, Griselinia lucida, Viburnum recognitum, bean caper, currant, sunrose, Cercis occidentalis, Leucothoe racemosa, Chrysolepis sempervirens, Brugmansia sanguinea, barberry, mock privet, Lagerstroemia indica, service tree, Malosma laurina, pavonia, Paliurus spina-christi, Ricinus communis, Zygophyllum fabago, mastic tree, huckleberry, Biscutalla laevigata, California beauty, tea, screw tree, Acocanthera spectabilis, slipper plant, croton, pigeon-pea plant, switch-ivy, bush honeysuckle, black bead, Pyracantha, kudu lily, Syrian bean caper, kapuka, spindleberry tree, hiccup nut, yellow oleander, fire-bush, privet andromeda, coca plant, Thevetia peruviana, Mahernia verticillata, Pyxidanthera barbulata, Loiseleuria procumbens, rauwolfia, squaw root, Eryngium maritimum, saltwort, huckleberry oak, andromeda, Chilean hazelnut, Salsola kali, forsythia, abelia, Ruscus aculeatus, castor-oil plant, glandular Labrador tea, Thevetia neriifolia, pichi, pyracanth, Ochna serrulata, Hakea lissosperma, palma christ, flowering hazel, Solanum macranthum, waratah, spiraea, Combretum bracteosum, wax myrtle, tagasaste, European cranberry bush, batoko palm, Hakea laurina, fire thorn, poison pea, Photinia arbutifolia, makomako, Leycesteria formosa, Brugmansia suaveolens, Templetonia retusa, Lepidothamnus fonkii, needlebush, Datura suaveolens, coville, lotus tree, Indian currant, woody plant, juniper bush, alpine totara, summer cypress, Prunus pumila, hollygrape, Jacquinia keyensis, Adam"s apple, tumbleweed, manzanita, shumac, Myrica gale, spicebush, gooseberry bush, creosote bush, Christ"s-thorn, devil"s walking stick, camelia, Guevina heterophylla, flannelbush, pinwheel flower, dwarf golden chinkapin, puka, Mahonia nervosa, crape myrtle, Croton tiglium, pink fivecorner, cupflower, Ribes uva-crispa, bladder senna, Erythroxylon coca, horsebean, Mahonia aquifolium, cajan pea, cushion flower, Graptophyllum pictum, white alder, pepper bush, American cranberry bush, mock azalia, senna, candlewood, strawberry bush, impala lily, marmalade bush, pepper shrub, salal, pixie, indigo, butcher"s broom, Caesalpinia sepiaria, Lavatera arborea, black haw, kali, Japanese allspice, patchouly, honey-flower, mountain andromeda, spindle tree, Viburnum prunifolium, needle-wood, cranberry tree, mountain rimu, needle-bush, coyote brush, maikoa, Lindera benzoin, Prunus pumilla susquehanae, Leitneria floridana, Scotch gale, Telopea Oreades, New Zealand wine berry, flowering shrub, Hakea leucoptera, lavender, governor plum, native cranberry, phalsa, groundsel tree, honeyflower, fetterbush, shiny lyonia, shrubbery, wild peach, Sarcocephalus latifolius, hydrangea, redwood penstemon, Jerusalem thorn, calliandra, furze, spurge, Aralia spinosa, minnie bush, Baccharis viminea, Epigaea repens, raetam, Lyonia mariana, rhododendron, dusty miller, yerba santa, white cinnamon tree, pincushion hakea, laurel sumac, smoke bush, kelpwort, derris, Acocanthera venenata, Cytisus ramentaceus, bitter pea, jujube, hemp, minniebush, stinking bean trefoil, Chilean flameflower, sumach, suffrutex, flowering quince, daisy-bush, capsicum, Jupiter"s beard, Lyonia lucida, Mysore thorn, bird"s-eye bush, rose, western redbud, bryanthus, buckthorn, maleberry, Salsola kali tenuifolia, poison bush, chalice vine, Solandra guttata, whin, Anadenanthera colubrina, tree mallow, Genista raetam, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, flame pea, American angelica tree, alpine azalea, crepe jasmine, subshrub, Lycium carolinianum, Desmodium motorium, Pithecellodium unguis-cati, Caesalpinia decapetala, fetter bush, Griselinia littoralis, Christmasberry, Canella-alba, currant bush, Prunus cuneata, Aspalathus linearis, slipper spurge, Prunus spinosa, Comptonia asplenifolia, Lambertia formosa, Conradina glabra, Jacquinia armillaris, Chile hazel, Lupinus arboreus, Clethra alnifolia, milk thistle, sea holly, wych hazel plant, cinquefoil, Canella winterana, pepper, winter hazel, Schizophragma hydrangeoides, blueberry bush, bitter-bark, arrow wood, Geoffroea decorticans, Benzoin odoriferum, flat pea, sow thistle, Acocanthera oblongifolia, Lyonia ligustrina, papooseroot, Solanum wrightii, hawthorn, kalmia, Pseudowintera colorata, Fabiana imbricata, European cranberrybush, negro peach, Aristotelia racemosa, witch hazel plant, Dalea spinosa, crepe flower, glory pea, purple pea, privet, guinea flower, silverbush, trumpet flower, Camellia sinensis, lady-of-the-night, California redbud, pigeon pea, Styphelia triflora, stagger bush, Oregon holly grape, indigo plant, barbasco, Aristotelia serrata, smoke tree, crowberry, tree poppy, philadelphus, rooibos, boxwood, groundberry, fothergilla, leatherleaf, wild cinnamon, geebung, hediondilla, rosebush, juniper, mucuna, Diervilla sessilifolia, blackthorn, glasswort, sun rose, bean trefoil, salt tree, ropebark, Chamaecytisus palmensis, corkwood, catclaw, corkwood tree, Prunus susquehanae, Chinese angelica, leadwort, spindleberry, sweet fern, Catha edulis, Chimonanthus praecox, Euonymus atropurpureus, Juneberry, clianthus, desert willow, Kochia scoparia, barilla, Desmodium gyrans, Argyroxiphium sandwicense, dahl, shrub, Wintera colorata, Playlobium obtusangulum, ligneous plant, cassava, Lysiloma sabicu, crepe gardenia, staggerbush, Melastoma malabathricum, Petteria ramentacea, Russian tumbleweed, male berry, sea holm, banksia, Chinese holly, Dirca palustris, joewood, Ziziphus lotus, caper, climbing hydrangea, spiceberry, ramontchi, goldenbush, Eriodictyon californicum, cranberry heath, patchouli, Georgia bark, Chilean nut, witch hazel, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus, yucca, beauty bush, wild rosemary, Dacridium laxifolius, he-huckleberry, Ledum palustre, Viminaria denudata, bush hibiscus, Chiococca alba, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Pieris japonica, tamarisk, mayflower, bracelet wood, Indigofera tinctoria, belvedere, Chinese angelica tree, leatherwood, Heteromeles arbutifolia, shadblow, crystal tea, umbrella tree, strophanthus, honeysuckle, rock rose, blueberry root, sweet gale, groundsel bush, Larrea tridentata, helianthemum, Schefflera actinophylla, Bauhinia monandra, tollon, dog hobble, frangipani, tree lupine, black greasewood, elder, coral bush, Leiophyllum buxifolium, Ardisia escallonoides, stephanotis, trapper"s tea, Aspalathus cedcarbergensis, common flat pea, bristly locust, Hercules"-club, Pistacia lentiscus, Ledum groenlandicum, Viminaria juncea, Erythroxylon truxiuense, butterfly flower, needle wood, Acocanthera oppositifolia, Russian cactus, Sphacele calycina, semaphore plant, xylosma, Podocarpus nivalis, Streptosolen jamesonii, velvetleaf, Madagascar plum, coronilla, ti, daisybush, lily-of-the-valley tree, twist wood, Baccharis halimifolia, Ribes grossularia, Halimodendron argenteum, serviceberry, Himalaya honeysuckle, mule fat, undershrub, Halimodendron halodendron, Indian rhododendron, Platylobium formosum, Caulophyllum thalictrioides, German tamarisk, telegraph plant, wayfaring tree, Retama raetam, Cordyline terminalis, Codiaeum variegatum, Rhus laurina, Viburnum lantana, night jasmine, silver-bush, bush poppy, Lepechinia calycina, chanar, sand myrtle, Cestrum diurnum, Colutea arborescens, Dalmatian laburnum, Sparmannia africana, Menziesia ferruginea, Hermannia verticillata, fuchsia, matrimony vine, blueberry, wych hazel, Plumbago europaea, burning bush, moosewood, crepe myrtle, Acalypha virginica, Bassia scoparia, stingaree-bush, swamp oak, Hazardia cana, amorpha, firethorn, Anagyris foetida, hoary golden bush, guinea gold vine, sumac, cotoneaster, five-finger, protea, wicopy, Pinckneya pubens, Xylosma congestum, sabicu, chaparral pea, lentisk, red angel"s trumpet, greasewood, castor bean plant, frangipanni, gastrolobium, cyrilla, buckler mustard, moss locust, Grewia asiatica, paloverde, hovea, native pear, shadbush, palma christi, Oregon grape, lilac, Aralia elata, bridal wreath, Piptadenia macrocarpa, Japan allspice, pixy, sweet bells, day jessamine, Chilopsis linearis, feijoa, styrax, rose acacia, elderberry bush, Ulex europaeus, false tamarisk, needlewood, Leucothoe editorum, silversword, Caulophyllum thalictroides, lomatia, jujube bush, Flacourtia indica, Irish gorse, allspice, weigela, Cestrum nocturnum, chanal, cat"s-claw, mountain fetterbush, Kolkwitzia amabilis, Anthyllis barba-jovis, highbush cranberry, poison arrow plant, spice bush, pea tree, casava, Myricaria germanica, Senecio cineraria, trailing arbutus, bearberry, Datura sanguinea, camellia, Labrador tea, Adenium multiflorum, gardenia, Tasman dwarf pine, Prunus laurocerasus, papoose root, flannel bush, mountain grape, ephedra, mesquit, Chilean firebush, dhal, broom, Adenium obesum, cranberry bush, Santolina chamaecyparissus, gorse, fool"s huckleberry, columnea, catjang pea, sweet pepperbush, marsh tea, marlberry, Benjamin bush, tree tomato, rauvolfia,


quiet, accessible, demand, freeze, recall,

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