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bunting Meaning in Tamil ( bunting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அழகு ஒப்பனை உடைய கொடித் துணி,

bunting's Usage Examples:

polygyny in corn buntings.

The end of the first interval of this length (counting from the piece of bunting) is marked by a bit of leather, the second by a cord with two knots, the third by one with three knots, and so on; the middle of each of these lengths (half-knot) is also marked by a cord with one knot.

The avifauna is very rich in migratory water and marsh fowl (Grallatores and Natatores), which come to breed in the coast region; but only five land birds - the ptarmigan (Lagopus alpinus), snow-bunting, Iceland falcon, snow-owl and raven - are permanent inhabitants of the region.

The reed bunting is a small songbird, a little larger than a sparrow.

nivalis, often mistaken by travellers for the snow-bunting, Plectrophanes nivalis.

Another visit to Torangitaival produced no buntings, although 2 each of Smew and Wood Sandpipers from the bird tower were satisfying.

Specialities of the reserve: Tussock sedge, bog pimpernel, bog pimpernel, bogbean, southern marsh orchid, reed bunting, snipe, grass snake.

The hermit thrush, veery, song sparrow, red-eyed vireo, bunting, warbler and wren are among the song birds of the forests.

It's dressed in a lavender, pink, or blue, star-shaped bunting with adorable glow-in-the-dark pjamas ' hairbrush.

When the bunting at the end of the stray line passes his hand, he calls to his assistant to turn the glass, and allows the line to pay out freely.

Birds are very numerous, including no fewer than 4 varieties of crows, 5 of warblers, 7 of woodpeckers, 8 of buntings, 4 of falcons, and 5 of eagles; while among the hosts of waterfowl which people the marshes of the Danube are 9 varieties of ducks, and 4 of rails.

The Irrigation Project was a quick stop to try to see some buntings.


yellowhammer, yellow bunting, snowflake, Emberiza schoeniclus, snow bunting, Emberiza aureola, Passerina cyanea, yellow-breasted bunting, snowbird, Plectrophenax nivalis, ortolan bunting, Emberiza citrinella, indigo finch, indigo bunting, finch, ortolan, reed bunting, indigo bird, Emberiza hortulana,


insubstantiality, insubstantial, immaterial, incorporeality, incorporeal,

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