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brevet Meaning in Tamil ( brevet வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நன்மதிப்புப் பதவி

brevet's Usage Examples:

For his services at Franklin he was awarded the rank of brigadier-general (November 1864) and the brevet rank of major-general (March 1865) in the regular army.

After the war, now brevet major-general, he returned to regular engineer duty as chief engineer of the U.

Sent as a lieutenant of engineers to the Mexican War, he took part in the battles under General Scott, and by his gallantry won the brevets of first-lieutenant at Contreras-Churubusco and captain at Chapultepec; he was afterwards detailed as assistant-instructor at West Point, and employed in explorations in the South-West and in Oregon.

He took part in the later movements under Winfield Scott against the city of Mexico, and was breveted first lieutenant for "gallant and meritorious conduct.

His services were recognized by the brevets of brigadiergeneral and major-general in the regular army.

He was breveted first lieutenant for gallantry at Molino del Rey and captain for gallantry at Chapultepec.

From the latter he graduated in July 1828, and became by brevet a second lieutenant of infantry.

In July 1866 he was made colonel of a regular infantry regiment, and in 1867 he was brevetted brigadiergeneral in the regular army for his services at Chancellorsville and major-general for his services at Spottsylvania.

He served throughout the war, distinguished himself particularly at South Mountain, Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, and by successive promotions became a brigadier-general of volunteers and, by brevet, a major-general of volunteers.

He was on the staff of General George Crook at the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah valley, and on the r4th of March 1865 was brevetted major of volunteers for gallant and meritorious services.

, and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers.

At the Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, he rendered further good service, and at Gettysburg his handling of the artillery was conspicuous in the repulse of Pickett's charge, and he was rewarded with the brevet of colonel.


written document, document, papers,


bore, lower, fall, curse,

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