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bras Meaning in Tamil ( bras வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bras தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bras's Usage Examples:

Overall, the principle elements of the Steins' first brassiere concept have stood the test of time.

Not only is comfort an issue, but bras that do not fit properly can also cause back problems, poor posture (which further exacerbates back problems) and tense neck and back muscles.

Up to 50 percent of those with a corneal abrasion develop a uveitis or inflammation inside the eye.

The development of pianoforte technique since Beethoven has been in some ways even more revolutionizing than that of the brass instruments; and pianoforte instrumentation, both in solo and in chamber-music, is a study for a lifetime.

There were said to be " various kinds of magnets, some of which attract gold, others silver, brass, lead; even some which attract flesh, water, fishes; " and stories were told about " mountains in the north of such great powers of attraction that ships are built with wooden pegs, lest.

The MidAmerica Rottweiler Rescue covers Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Wisconsin and Illinois.

As regards reptiles, there are at least seven poisonous snakes - two cobras, two puff-adders and three vipers.

retinoid creams, dermabrasion (operation that smooths top layer of skin) or collagen injections.

This is now being used by the Chicago ' North Western Railroad Company on its locomotives, and it is also used in Omaha (Nebraska) by manufacturing establishments.

An error in the computation of inverses in quaternion algebras with non-standard parameters.

No bounce sports bras keep breasts from swinging, bouncing or wobbling during workouts and other physical activities.

Aerie: American Eagle's little sister store has inexpensive sports bras that are at once feminine and practical.

On the other hand, an Under Armour Youth Negate jersey with "anti-abrasion zones" and specific venting and wicking features will run as much as three times more.


shoulder strap, undergarment, unmentionable, strap, uplift, woman"s clothing, brassiere, bandeau,


untie, unstrap, fall, depress, overgarment,

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