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boyhood Meaning in Tamil ( boyhood வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிள்ளைப் பருவம்,

boyhood தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

"முழுமையானது" என அவராலேயே விவரிக்கப்பட்ட நபோவோவின் பிள்ளைப் பருவம், பல வழிகளில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.

பிள்ளைப் பருவம் (02-12 வயது வரை).

தமிழகப் பழங்குடிகள் உயிரியல் ரீதியாக, ஒரு பிள்ளை அல்லது பிள்ளைப் பருவம் என்பது மனிதனின் பிறப்புக்கும், பருவமடைந்த நிலைக்கும் இடையேயுள்ள ஒரு வளர்ச்சி நிலை ஆகும்.

இக்காப்பியம் புனித பவுலின் பிள்ளைப் பருவம் தொடங்கி இலட்சியப் பயணம் ஈறாகப் பதினாறு தலைப்புகளில் அவருடைய வாழ்வியலைப் புதுக்கவிதையாக்கிப் பாடுகிறது.

boyhood's Usage Examples:

Mark Twain's boyhood was spent at Hannibal, which is the setting of Life on the Mississippi, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer; Hannibal Cave, described in Tom Sawyer, extends for miles beneath the river and its bluffs.

His friend and master, after about two years' tenure of the earldom of Devonshire, died of the plague in June 1628, and the affairs of the family were so disordered financially that the widowed countess was left with the task of righting them in the boyhood of the third earl.

Peace was his reward; on the 24th of December 1814 the treaty was signed; and after visiting Geneva for the first time since his boyhood, and assisting in negotiating a commercial convention (1815) with England by which all discriminating duties were abolished, Gallatin in July 1815 returned to America.

The brutal treatment he had experienced in boyhood under the orders of Adil Shah, and the opprobrious name of eunuch with which be was taunted by his enemies, no doubt contributed to embitter his nature.

Manning's boyhood was mainly spent at Coombe Bank, Sundridge, Kent, where he had for companions Charles and Christopher Wordsworth, afterwards bishops of St Andrews and of Lincoln.

Here the unrecorded years of Christ's boyhood were spent.

His boyhood was distracted by vague party strifes, but Henry did not attempt to administer his country.

inadequacyhers are wary of their boyhood rivalries resurfacing, whilst they confront their own perceived inadequacies.

He read and re-read in early boyhood the Bible, Aesop, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progress, Weems's Life of Washington and a history of the United States; and later read every book he could borrow from the neighbours, Burns and Shakespeare becoming favourites.

The Haverhill homestead, memorized in Snow-Bound, is also held by trustees " to preserve the natural features of the landscape," and to keep the buildings and furniture somewhat as they were in their minstrel's boyhood.

In his boyhood he suffered from epileptic fits, and could therefore not receive a regular education.

When Burke had become one of the most famous men in Europe, no visitor to his house was more welcome than the friend with whom long years before he had tried poetic flights, and exchanged all the sanguine confidences of boyhood.





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