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botanist Meaning in Tamil ( botanist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



botanist தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பயிரியலாளர் (Botanist).

இவரது சகோதரர்கள் சாந்த் பகதூர் கௌர் மற்றும் பயிரியலாளர் ஆன கைலாச் நாத் கௌர்.

கிரேக்க பயிரியலாளர் தியோபிரசுடஸ் தனது முதல் தாவரவியல் நூலில், கருப்பு மிளகையும் திப்பிலியையும் வேறுபடுத்தி எழுதியபோதிலும்; இவ்விரு தாவரங்களின் பண்டைய வரலாறு பின்னிப்பிணைந்திருப்பதால் அடிக்கடி அவர்கள் (கிரேக்கர்கள்) குழம்பிவிடுவர்.

botanist's Usage Examples:

betulus; the other two to the group which some botanists have made a separate genus.

The flora of Finland has been most minutely explored, especially in the south, and the Finnish botanists were enabled to divide the country into twenty-eight different provinces, giving the numbers of phanerogam species for each province.

The greatest difference of opinion exists among botanists as to their number and the bounds to be assigned to each; and the cross-fertilization that takes place between the species intensifies the difficulty.

Before leaving the Chlorophyceae, it should be mentioned that the genus Volvox has been included by some zoologists (Btitschli, for example) among Flagellata; on the other hand, certain green Flagellata, such as Euglena, are included by some botanists (for example, van Tieghem) among unicellular plants.

"The Forest Region of the Russian botanists includes the greater part of the country, from the Arctic tundras to the steppes, and over this immense expanse it maintains a remarkable uniformity of character.

Are you willing to abdicate control in favor of a defined group esthetic?Founded in the 1950s by the Mühlethaler family, the French-owned business was helmed by experienced botanists and experts in phytotherapy and esthetic aromatherapy.

The expedition, including naturalists, botanists, a mineralogist, taxidermists, a philologist, 'c.

Forskal, the botanist of Niebuhr's mission, P.

The route lay by Jibla, passing the foot of the lofty Jebel Sorak, where, in spite of illness, Forskal, the botanist of the party, was able to make a last excursion; a few days later he died at Yarim.

The Berlin herbarium is especially rich in more recent collections, and other national herbaria sufficiently extensive to subserve the requirements of the systematic botanist exist at St Petersburg, Vienna, Leiden, Stockholm, Upsala, Copenhagen and Florence.

In 1792, Carey, a Baptist, who was not only a cobbler, but a linguist of the highest order, a botanist and zoologist, published his Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens, and the book marks a distinct point of departure in the history of Christianity.

Seeds of Revolution Scottish botanists braved tempests and conflicts to discover new flowers and fauna.

nuda, was found by Bunge in waste ground about Peking; it was identified by the botanist Lindley with the pilcorn of the old agriculture, and we see from Rogers 1 that it was in cultivation in England in the 13th century.


plant scientist, propagator, biologist, mycologist, pomologist, life scientist, phytologist,



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