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bookshelf Meaning in Tamil ( bookshelf வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நூல் அடுக்கம்,

bookshelf தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bookshelf's Usage Examples:

Build a bookshelf that will either be flexible enough to service another room or area in the same room, or be so utilitarian, or well integrated, that keeping it where it is won't become a problem.

"In addition the site includes texts and browseable maps and also offers free online registration to access advanced services, including a personal bookshelf.

You've decided to step up to adulthood and dismantle your makeshift milk crate bookshelf for something a little more sturdy and attractive, like real actual bookshelves.

You could tell that the bookshelf was organized in a haphazard manner because there was no order to the way the books were arranged.

A standing bookshelf is usually quite easy to set up (that is if the standing bookshelf you buy comes assembled already), but will leave you with a little less floor space.

The subwoofer unit is the size of a normal bookshelf loudspeaker, but it is really rather light.

s small cottage was lit by a single candle that cast light on a collection of weapons along one wall and a few books on a bookshelf on another.

This book is a must for very child's bookshelf.

The bookshelf was empty and weapons lined the opposite wall.

I did notice a novel on the kitchen table, once, but they don't have a bookshelf.

She walked into the living room, puzzled to see Evelyn boxing up her bookshelf.

If you're a beginner, a bookshelf or bookcase is a great project, but only if you keep it simple.

Meticulously researched but eminently approachable, The Faber Book of Twentieth Century German Poems is an essential new addition to any poetry bookshelf.





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