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boilerplate Meaning in Tamil ( boilerplate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



boilerplate's Usage Examples:

Drafting and Understanding Boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses in your commercial contract.

Setting properties on chart boilerplate You can use the 'target' element to attach handlers to any of the following standard items: Heading.

boilerplate ' discussion.

boilerplate text in several memo fields.

boilerplate disclosures.

boilerplate code we were using breaks with IE6.

boilerplate statement that says that the text is copied from the interface.

The first couple of lines are standard boilerplate:?xml version"1.

The sales person customizes such a proposal to the client but keeps the so-called 'boilerplate' information such as the "about the company" or "about the product" sections the same.

Many sales and marketing departments have a standard "boilerplate" proposal already written to use when drafting a formal proposal for a client.

boilerplate contracts, that is, all but the luckiest of authors.


contract, formulation, expression,


stay, widen, dysphemism, euphemism,

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