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blackcock Meaning in Tamil ( blackcock வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கருப்பு சேவல்

blackcock's Usage Examples:

Blackcock >>The game, which is abundant, consisting of blackcock and grouse, is strictly preserved.

The blackcock is very generally distributed over the highland districts of northern and central Europe, and in some parts of Asia.

Ptarmigan and blackcock are found in many districts, partridges and pheasants are carefully preserved, and the capercailzie, once extirpated, has been restored to some of the Highland forests.

The game birds consist of grouse, blackcock, moorhen, quail and partridge.

The blackcock then rejoins his male associates, and the female is left to perform the labours of hatching and rearing her young brood.

The response by Black Grouse has been a remarkable four-fold increase in lekking blackcock over five years.

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