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bituminous Meaning in Tamil ( bituminous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bituminous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bituminous's Usage Examples:

From the name schistos, and the mode of formation, there can be little doubt that this species was the salt which forms spontaneously on certain slaty minerals, as alum slate and bituminous shale, and which consists chiefly of the sulphates of iron and aluminium.

Coal, chiefly bituminous, occurs in large quantities in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and in various parts of the north-west (lignite), though most of the anthracite is imported from the United States, as is the greater part of the bituminous coal used in Ontario.

This area is divided into nearly two equal parts - one, the Lei river coal-fields, yielding anthracite, and the other the Siang river coal-fields, yielding bituminous coal.

These kits are also suitable for fixing seats onto surfaces of bituminous macadam, laid on top of concrete.

In Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, and along the line of the Rocky Mountains, extensive fields occur, producing lignite and bituminous coal.

At Esperanza and other places in the Santa Clara province, bituminous plant-bearing beds occur beneath the Tertiary limestones, and at Baracoa a Radiolarian earth occupies a similar position.

The usual coal deposits of Alberta are of bituminous or semi-bituminous coal.

Much of the bituminous deposits is on the dividing line between asphalt and coal.

bituminous coal he decided to become a producer rather than just a supplier.

The production of bituminous coal has also increased very rapidly.

15 Medical UsesOther authors have sought the origin of the diamond in the action of the hydrated magnesian silicates on hydrocarbons derived from bituminous schists, or in the decomposition of metallic carbides.

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