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biters Meaning in Tamil ( biters வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


biters தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அந்த தீர்வுகள் கிரே பில்லர்பாக்சஸ், பிக்சல் ஆர்பிட்டர்கள் மற்றும் இமேஜ் வாஷிங் ரொட்டின்கள் ஆகியவற்றை உள்ளடக்கி இருக்கின்றன.

biters's Usage Examples:

The images MGS has transmitted to Earth have much higher resolution than those obtained by the viking orbiters in the 1970s.

4, where arbiters differ in opinion, they, or, if they fail to agree on the point, the court, on the application of either party, may nominate an oversman whose decision is to be final.

Carefully collected samples have been correlated with data obtained by lunar orbiters, including the most recent lunar missions.

Once the dust has settled, other orbiters will search for the crater left behind â the latest addition to the battered lunar surface.

Formerly, where no oversman was named in the submission, and no power given to the arbiters to name one, the proceedings were abortive if the arbiters disagreed, unless the parties consented to a nomination.

The Imams are, in Shi`i doctrine, the authorized interpreters of the Qur'an as well as the supreme arbiters of the Holy Law.

Under any circumstances, neither the training nor the position of judges is such as to make them fit to be the final arbiters of political disputes.

Shoe lace biters are a solution for keeping shoes tied, and they keep your shoe choices from being painfully limited.

In Strabo we find the Druids still acting as arbiters in public and private matters, but they no longer deal with cases of murder.

In his election speeches Gladstone had insisted on the necessity of the country returning a Liberal majority which could act independently of the Irish vote; and the result of the general election had left the Irish the virtual arbiters of the political situation.

barbaric cruelty, especially by institutions which purported to be the sole arbiters of morality.

The deed of submission first defines the terms of the reference, the name or names of the arbiters or arbitrators, and the "oversman" or umpire, whose decision in the event of the arbiters differing in opinion is to be final.


individual, somebody, soul, mortal, person, nibbler, someone,


male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,

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