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bishoprics Meaning in Tamil ( bishoprics வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


bishoprics's Usage Examples:

She yielded, after a struggle, also to the appointment of Whigs to bishoprics, the most mortifying submission of all.

Otto, having profound faith in the power of the church to reconcile conquered peoples to his rule, provided for the benefit of the Danes the bishoprics of Schleswig, Ripen and Aarhus; and among those which he established for the Slays were the important bishoprics of Brandenburg and Havelberg.

44 48 There are five archbishoprics within the 66 178 German empire: Gnesen-Posen, Cologne, 77 257 Freiburg (Baden), Munich-Freising 05 879 and Bamberg.

For Switzerland, for the reorganization of the bishoprics of Basel and Soleure; in force.

Far more extensive was the territory under the spiritual authority of the archbishop which included the bishoprics of Metz, Toul and Verdun, and after 1777 also those of Nancy and St Die.

, elector palatine of the Rhine, just after that prince had been driven from Bohemia; glorying in his chivalrous devotion to Frederick's wife Elizabeth, he attacked the lands of the elector of Mainz and the bishoprics of Westphalia.

Pensions and sinecures which would not bear the light in England were charged on the Irish establishment, and even bishoprics were given away on the same principle.

Sydney is the seat of Anglican and Roman Catholic archbishoprics;.

it was arranged that Albert should pay 14,000 ducats for the papal confirmation and 10,000 as a " composition " for permission to continue to hold, against the rules of the Church, his two former archbishoprics.

The question of the right of regale (right of the Crown to the revenues of vacant abbeys and bishoprics), which touched the essential rights of sovereignty, further inflamed the hostility between Innocent XI.

Though she made no special distinction of creed in her charities, she was a notable benefactor of the Church of England, building and endowing churches and church schools, endowing the bishoprics of Cape Town and of Adelaide (1847), and founding the bishopric of British Columbia (1857).

Thus the three bishoprics of Lubeck, Ratzeburg and Schwerin, which hitherto had been fief of the Reich, now passed under Danish suzerainty.

Meanwhile a Prussian envoy had again been appointed at the Vatican; all but three of the vacant bishoprics were filled by agreement between the pope and the king, and the sequestrated revenues were restored.


see, episcopate, diocese, eparchy, archdiocese, parish, jurisdiction, exarchate,


exclude, esteem, disesteem, respect, powerlessness,

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