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birch Meaning in Tamil ( birch வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

காட்டு மரவகை

birch's Usage Examples:

'We find the living British species of Rhamnus, maple, sloe, hawthorn, apple, white-beam, guelder-rose, cornel, elm, birch, alder, hornbeam, hazel, oak, beech, willow, yew and pine, and also the spruce.

I amused myself one winter day with sliding this piecemeal across the pond, nearly half a mile, skating behind with one end of a log fifteen feet long on my shoulder, and the other on the ice; or I tied several logs together with a birch withe, and then, with a longer birch or alder which had a hook at the end, dragged them across.

Their food is entirely vegetable, especially grass roots and stalks, shoots of dwarf birch, reindeer lichens and mosses, in search of which they form, in winter, long galleries through the turf or under the snow.

The oak, pine, beech, hornbeam and birch are the chief varieties of trees.

Are there particular food allergens to be aware of?Trials on the regulation of IgE response in mice using modified birch pollen allergens.

World furniture collection which includes acacia, fruitwood and birch furniture.

mycorrhizas of the Fly Agaric toadstool (Amanita muscaria) [© Jim Deacon] Why do plants have mycorrhizas?agaric fungi (Amanita muscaria) growing in symbiotic association with silver birches (Betula pendula) in Glen Affric.

But mixed with the oak and chestnut or higher up are considerable hickory, birch and maple; farther up the mountain sides are some hemlock and white pine; and on the swamp lands of the Coastal Plain are much cypress and some cedar, and on the Coastal Plain south of the Neuse there is much long-leaf pine from which resin is obtained.

The prickly ash, Virginian creeper and staff-tree find here their northern limit; and the mountain maple, Canada blueberry, dwarf birch and ground hemlock their southern limit.

Among deciduous trees the state is noted for its sugar maples; birch and beech are common on the hills, and oaks, elm, hickory, ash, poplar, basswood, willow, chestnut and butternut on the less elevated areas.

A large area is under forests, the oak, beech, fir, birch and hornbeam being the principal trees.

buttress just right of the birch wood.


birch tree, wood,


switch off, disengage, switch on,

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