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biliteral Meaning in Tamil ( biliteral வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


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biliteral's Usage Examples:

In it the Old Egyptian verbal forms are mostly replaced by periphrases; though the strong roots are often preserved entire, the weaker con9onants and the ~ have- largely or entirely disappeared, so that the language appears as one of biliteral rather than triliteral roots.

It is noteworthy that though words were so freely spelled in alphabetic characters, especially in the time of the Old Kingdom, no advance was ever made towards excluding the cumbersome word-signs and biliteral phonograms, which, by a judicious use of determinatives, might well have been rendered quite superfluous.

The typical Coptic root thus became biliteral rather than triliteral, and the verb, by means of periphrases, developed tenses of remarkable precision.

Of biliteral phonogramseach expressing a combination of two consonantsthere were about fifty commonly used: some fifteen or twenty were rarely used.

Biliteral phonograms are very rare as phonetic complements, nor are two biliteral phonograms employed together in writing the radicals of a word.

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