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bid Meaning in Tamil ( bid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விலை கேட்டல்,


விலை கௌ்,

bid's Usage Examples:

But that he found many admirers, even in the Augustan age, Horace himself bears witness (ibid.

The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly, sodium alum being readily soluble in water, whilst caesium and rubidium alums are only sparingly soluble.

Outside the Forbidden City the most noteworthy building is the Temple of Heaven, which stands in the outer or Chinese city.

Slocum's order forbidding the organization of militia in Mississippi, and Schurz's valuable report (afterwards published as an executive document), suggesting the readmission of the states with complete rights and the investigation of the need of further legislation by a Congressional committee, was not heeded by the President.

With some very good jumpers - they can hardly be called good hunters - to steady them is to bid for a fall, while with some very clever hunters to hurry them is to bring them to grief.

Inspections of the dead, to ascertain the nature of the disease, were made, though not without difficulty, and thus the modern period of the science of morbid anatomy was ushered in.

libidinal fixation to their ethnic identity whatever collective or personal construct that may be.

The death of Arcadius in May 408 caused milder counsels to prevail in the western cabinet, but Alaric, who had actually entered Epirus, demanded in a somewhat threatening manner that if he were thus suddenly bidden to desist from war, he should be paid handsomely for what in modern language would be called the expenses of mobilization.

Holding that chemistry had not attained the rank of a science - his lectures dealt with the "effects of heat and mixture" - he had an almost morbid horror of hasty generalization or of anything that had the pretensions of a fully fledged system.

In nearly every state there still existed, as survivals of the old days, laws forbidding the union of different political associations with one another, and all unions or associations of working men which followed political, socialistic or communispic ends.

lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium, and of the alkaline earth metals, viz.

"It is a forbidden thing for one with a blemish to be king at Tara.


overbid, offer, bargain, tender, subscribe, by-bid, dicker, underbid, outbid,


expand, pay cash, arise, underbid, outbid,

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