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bi Meaning in Tamil ( bi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(முற்சேர்க்கையாக உபயோகிக்கப்படும் சொல்) இரண்டு,


(முற்சேர்க்கையாக உபயோகிக்கப்படும் சொல்) இரண்டு,

bi 's Usage Examples:

MAIMONIDES, the common name of RABBI MOSES BENmosey over to retro-cool basement The Langley for a very hip and happening bite?mosey along at the momentum of the other frames or move up the gears into full Metaphor process using Clean Language proper.

Why, because he is the son of a prominent family doctor?I was surprised the FBI didn't press us on some of these more prominent cases.

Recently I have met with CBI members on two issues of concern to you: procurement and public/private partnership, especially in the NHS.

I explained my tip to the FBI and my follow up extended conversation with Agent Brennan.

When he was eventually caught after he'd been committing identity theft for five years, he agreed to cooperate with the FBI and became a successful consultant advising businesses about how to protect themselves from this crime.

FARABI [Abu Nair Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ul-Farabi] (ca.

I was surprised the FBI didn't press us on some of these more prominent cases.

That is, if the FBI feels generous and tells me anything.

Some hacker might be able to, or the FBI maybe.

The FBI asserts that their proposal adapts existing wiretap laws to account for emerging communications technologies.

He said he was just asking about Dean's return trip but he was fishing for details on why the FBI was so unexpectedly interested in Billie Wassermann.

Rita would convey the message to Jonathan Winston as well allowing Dean to temporarily duck having to explain to the FBI why he played cowboy and lost the tail instead of getting the plate number.

rebuffed claims by employers ' body the CBI that employers are increasingly negative about family-friendly practices.


metal, atomic number 83, bismuth, metallic element,



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