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beyond Meaning in Tamil ( beyond வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


beyond's Usage Examples:

objectify point, the critical social sciences go beyond the objectified nomological knowledge or the subjective interpretation of the social reality.

Diirer's designs, drawn with the pen in pale lilac, pink and green, show an inexhaustible richness of invention and an airy freedom and playfulness of hand beyond what could be surmised from the sternness of those studies which he made direct from life and nature.

In this he went beyond Cyril and the Alexandrine school generally, who, although they expressed the unity of the two natures in Christ so as almost to nullify their duality, yet took care verbally to guard themselves against the accusation of in any way circumscribing or modifying his real and true humanity.

, and carried as a thing beyond price upon men's shoulders to Vienna; it now exists in a greatly injured state in the monastery of Strahow at Prague.

There are several reasons why it might be necessary to go beyond a deterministic description of ecosystem dynamics, and include stochastic effects.

Their monopoly Spani~b was broken up by Hawkins, Drake, Frobisher, Raleigh, dominion and scores of others who recognized no peace beyond at sea, the line; and although, as far as actual colonies went, the results of Elizabeths reign were singularly meagre, the idea had taken root and the ground had been prepared.

Since the soul in its longings reaches forth beyond all sensible things, beyond the world of ideas even, it follows that the highest being must be something supra-rational.

Rising in the Warm Bokkeveld, it pierces the mountains by Mitchell's Pass, flows by the picturesque towns of Ceres and Worcester, and receives, beyond the last-named place, the waters which descend from the famous Hex River Pass.

A speech, denouncing the projected incorporation of Schleswig and Holstein with Denmark, delivered in the Chamber of Baden on the 6th of February 1845, spread his fame beyond the limits of his own state, and his popularity was increased by his expulsion from Prussia on the occasion of a journey to Stettin.

Accepting, loving, trusting someone – even if bonded – was beyond Immortal Laws to dictate.

But their indulgence even then is not mentioned to have gone beyond the coarse bread, flavoured with salt and sometimes hyssop, while their drink was water from the spring.

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