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benefices Meaning in Tamil ( benefices வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வருமானம் கொடுக்கும் சொத்து,

benefices தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


benefices's Usage Examples:

, but continued to interfere with elections, to appropriate the revenues of vacant benefices, and to exact an oath of fealty before admitting the elect to the enjoyment of his temporalities.

However, these dukes and counts were not merely officials: they too had become lords of fideles, of their own advocati, centenarii and scabini, whom they nominated, and of all the free men of the county, who since Charlemagnes time had been first allowed and then commanded to commend themselves to a lord, receiving feudal benefices in return.

The crime of "plurality," the holding by one cleric of two or more benefices, was especially attacked, as also clerical absenteeism and ignorance, and laxity in the monastic life.

Chicheley now became the subject of a leading case, the court of king's bench deciding, of ter arguments reheard in three successive terms, that he could not hold his previous benefices with the bishopric, and that, spite of the maxim Papa potest omnia, a papal bull could not supersede the law of the land (Year-book ii.

The great number of benefices which he held left room for some doubt as to his disinterestedness.

Another bull the same day gave him the right to hold all his benefices with the bishopric.

First, the growth of the practice of " reservation " and " provision," by which the popes assumed the right to appoint their own nominees to vacant sees and other benefices, in defiance of the claims of the crown, the chapters and private patrons.

It proved to be easier to hold the lord responsible for the public duties of all his dependants because he was the king's vassal and by attaching them as conditions to the benefices which he held, than to enforce them directly upon every subject.

touching benefices, tithes and papal bulls showed her determination to be supreme in her own territory.

The benefices are almost without exception provided with good residences and glebes, and the tithes, 'c.

The kirk was robbed afresh, benefices were given to such villainous cadets of great families as Archibald Douglas, an agent in Darnley's murder; and though, under the scholarly but fierce Andrew Melville, the kirk purified herself afresh and successfully opposed the bishops, James VI.


spiritualty, ecclesiastical benefice, spirituality, church property, sinecure,


outwardness, worldliness, disable,

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